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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    refute (v.)
    to serve as the inciting cause of; to urge on or encourage / ~에게 ~을 불러일으키다
    to prove that (something) is not true / 반박하다
    to squeeze, tighten / 압축하다
    to estimate something as being lower, smaller, or of less value / ~을 과소평가하다, ~을 경시하다
  • Q2
    repulse (v.)
    to make certain / 반드시 ~하다, 꼭 ~하다
    to force (someone) to stop attacking you / 격퇴하다
    to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult / 계속하다
    to make less or cause to appear less / 줄이다
  • Q3
    anatomy (n.)
    an experience that is very unpleasant or difficult / 시련
    fearful expectation or anticipation / (끔찍한 것에 대한) 두려움
    the study of the structure of living things / 해부학
    a deviation / 일탈
  • Q4
    atheism (n.)
    a display of great welcome and congratulations / 엄청난 환영
    a disbelief in the existence of deity / 무신론
    a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who expresses ideas and opinions about that subject publicly / 전문가, 권위자
    one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office) / 전신, 전에 사용되었던 물건
  • Q5
    calamity (n.)
    legal right to vote / 투표권, 선거권, 참정권
    a system of rules about the correct way to act in  formal situations / 행동규범
    an assumption or belief based on limited evidence or without proof / 가정
    an event that causes great harm and suffering / 재난
  • Q6
    cowardice (n.)
    1. lack of courage 2. fear that makes you unable to do what is right or expected / 1. 소심 2. 비겁
    diligence; hard-working attitude / 부지런함
    respect and admiration for someone or something / 존경
    anger due to injustice / 불공정에 대한 분노, 분개
  • Q7
    depreciate (v.)
    to move through a place while searching for something / 배회하다
    to put in; to exercise effort / ~을 가하다
    to cause (something) to have a lower price or value / 가치를 떨어뜨리다
    to make less or cause to appear less / 줄이다
  • Q8
    ebullient (adj.)
    standing above others in character or attainment or reputation / (남들보다 더) 뛰어난
    emitting light as a result of being heated / 백열의
    clear and easily understood / 명료한
    lively and enthusiastic / 용솟음치는
  • Q9
    enslave (v.)
    to talk about it very proudly in an offensive way / 자랑하다
    to assign to a lower or less important position / 강등시키다
    to say X is caused by Y / X의 원인이 Y라고 하다
    to make (someone) a slave / 복종시키다
  • Q10
    foretell (v.)
    to end (a law, contract, agreement, etc.) officially / 취소하다
    to describe (something) before it happens / 예언하다
    to get or bring back; to recover / 되찾다, 회수하다
    to cause (someone) to be worried or upset / 교란시키다
  • Q11
    impute (v.)
    to cover or envelop something in a way that obscures or hides it / 뒤덮다
    to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry / 조사하다
    to make (something) angry / 격노하게 하다
    to say or suggest that someone or something has or is guilty of (something) / ~의 탓으로 돌리다, 씌우다
  • Q12
    intoxicate (v.)
    to praise / 찬양하다
    to make (someone) unable to think and behave normally / 중독시키다
    to formally decide that someone should be put on trial for a crime / 기소하다, 고소하다
    make or enact laws / 입법하다
  • Q13
    lofty (adj.)
    characterized by a mutually beneficial relationship or dependence / 공생의
    not showing emotion / 무감각한
    very high and good; deserving to be admired / 숭고한, 고상한
    present at birth; inherent; not learned / 고유의, 본질적인, 선천적인
  • Q14
    perjury (n.)
    craftsman / 장인
    the crime of telling a lie in a court of law after promising to tell the truth / 위증
    a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist / 전제 조건
    a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one / 벼랑
  • Q15
    rehearse (v.)
    treat or speak of with contempt / ~에 대해 ~을 비웃다, ~에 대해 ~을 조롱하다
    give encouragement to / ~에게 용기를 주다, ~을 격려하다
    to conclude by logic / ~에서 ~을 논리적으로 추론해내다
    to say or do (something) several times in order to practice / 연습하다

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