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T.D.SAT ADV 0102

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    scarce (adj.)
    deficient in quantity (especially compared to demand) / 드문, 희귀한
    enabling a person to learn or discover something for themselves / 경험적인
    combining well together and enhancing each other's qualities / 보완적인
    rude, ill-mannered / 버릇없는
  • Q2
    soundness (n.)
    achieving of harmony between two (usually seemingly contradictory) things or ideas; restoration of relations / (모순되는 것 처럼 보이는 것에서 이뤄지는) 일치, 조화; (관계의) 화해
    the process by which something occurs / 방법, 메커니즘; 진행 원리
    the quality of being sensible, reasonable, valid / 합리성, 멀쩡함, 견고함
    a solution / 해결책, 결론
  • Q3
    resilient (adj.)
    causing extremism; pushing to two separate extremes / ~를 편갈라 분열되도록 하다
    recovering readily from adversity / 잘 버티는, 힘들어도 다시 일어서는
    lacking interest / 무관심한
    not very good / 평범한
  • Q4
    precocious (adj.)
    familiarized, used to / (~~에) 익숙해진
    appearing or developing early (usually intellectually) / 조숙한
    joyful and proud especially because of success / 승리한, 성공한
    hardworking, thorough / 근면한
  • Q5
    expend (v.)
    to make changes to; to edit / ~을 수선하다; ~을 수정하다, ~의 어떤 점을 변경하다
    1. to spend a lot of time with people 2. ruling monarch's wife or husband / 1. 어울리다 2. 배우자 (통치자의)
    to use up or consume / 소비하다
    to criticize, condemn / 비난하다
  • Q6
    hegemony (n.)
    a strong pull / 잡아당김
    leadership or dominance over others / 주도권, 지배력
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in similar circumstances / 전례
    the gradual wearing away or loss of something / 침식
  • Q7
    exploit (v.)
    to scold, reprimand / 질책하다
    to cause confusion or mistake someone / 혼동시키다
    to remove or reduce, especially something painful or uncomfortable; to make ~ feel better (worry less) / ~(불편한 느낌, 고통 등)을 완화하다; ~를 안심시키다
    to use or manipulate to one's advantage / ~을 활용하다
  • Q8
    enterprising (adj.)
    having imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects / 진취적인, 모험적인
    more than enough; fairly large in amount / 풍만한
    diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details / 세심한
    not clear enough to read / 읽기 어려운
  • Q9
    facet (n.)
    a particular aspect or feature of something / 측면
    a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant / 변천
    constituents; what something is made of / 구성, 구성 요소들
    a state of being relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried about anything / 냉담, 무관심
  • Q10
    imminent (adj.)
    having central or great importance / 핵심의
    peaceful, calm / 고요한, 잔잔한
    without intention (especially resulting from heedless action) / (부주의로 인한) 고의가 아닌
    about to happen, near / 임박한
  • Q11
    trail (v.)
    to allow ~ to do or get whatever he or she wants; to enjoy without restraint / ~가 하고 싶은대로 다 해주다; ~를 마음껏 즐기다
    to lag or linger behind (follow) / ~을 추적하다, ~을 쫓다
    to make (someone) feel very ashamed or foolish / 모욕하다
    to end (a law, contract, agreement, etc.) officially / 취소하다
  • Q12
    monumental (adj.)
    1. having a lot of wild and hurried activity 2. feeling or showing a lot of fear and worry / 1. 정신 없이 서두는 2. 제정신이 아닌 (두려 움,걱정으로)
    of great importance, significance, or scale / 엄청난
    impossible to defeat or subdue / 굴하지 않는
    hostile, aggressive / 호전적인
  • Q13
    culpable (adj.)
    deserving blame or censure / 유죄의
    secured in possession or assigned to a person / 귀속된
    expressed in terms intended to persuade or impress / 수사적인
    rambling, digressive / 산만한
  • Q14
    ravenous (adj.)
    behaving in a relaxed, confident, and pleasant way in social situations / 부드러운, 상냥한
    extremely hungry / 굶주린
    causing a person to become tired and to feel ready to fall asleep / 최면성의
    essential, necessary (and as such cannot be gotten rid of) / 필요한 (그래서 없앨 수 없는)
  • Q15
    reinforce (v.)
    1. to suddenly increase to an unusually high level 2. to move very quickly and suddenly in a particular direction / 급등(하다), 쇄도(하다)
    to make stronger (claim or strucuture); strengthen and support behaviors and beliefs with rewards / (믿음, 주장, 행동 등)~을 강화하다
    put into action (a wish or law) / (법, 소망 등을) 진행시키다, 실현시키다
    to make legally or officially invalid; to cancel out / 무효로 하다

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