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T.D.SAT ADV 0623

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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320 questions
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  • Q1
    oblivious (adj.)
    strict or precise in requirements or standards / 엄격한
    ambiguous, uncertain / 애매한
    of or related to settling of dirt or soil / 퇴적물의
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
  • Q2
    emit (v.)
    to collect and hide a large amount of (something valuable) / 저장하다
    to make legitimate or lawful / 합법화하다
    to send off or send out / ~를 내뿜다, ~를 발산하다, ~를 내다
    to gain the good will of; to make peace with / ~을 달래다
  • Q3
    delve (v.)
    to come before / ~을 앞장서다; ~전에 오다
    to grow stronger; to gain in wealth / 번영하다
    to explore or investigate deeply / 파고들다
    align or position something relative to a known point or landmark / 정렬하다
  • Q4
    apprehension (n.)
    fearful expectation or anticipation / 걱정, 우려
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    a small piece or part broken off from a whole / 조각
    a complete or impressive collection of things / 많은 수
  • Q5
    instill (v.)
    to speed up the progress of / ~을 빨리 보내다, ~가 더 빨리 되게 하다
    gradually wear away or diminish / 침식하다
    to impart or inject gradually / ~을 ~에게 서서히 주입시키다
    make (a liquid) thinner or weaker by adding water or another solvent / 희석하다
  • Q6
    exemption (n.)
    traditional customs, beliefs, stories, and sayings / 민속, 신화
    examination of one's own thoughts and feelings / 자기 반성
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
    opposite / 정반대
  • Q7
    tedious (adj.)
    existing but not yet developed or manifest / 잠재적인
    heavenly, relating to the sky / 천체의, 하늘의
    diverse, varied / 다양한
    boring, not exciting / 지루한
  • Q8
    trendy (adj.)
    consisting of diverse or dissimilar elements / 이질적인
    in accord with the latest fad / 트렌디한
    out of time / 시대착오의
    of the same or similar kind / 동종의, 동질의
  • Q9
    post (n.)
    curse / 악담, 저주
    dispute; a point of dispute or disagreement; act of disputing or disagreement / 반대 주장, 반대, 반대로 인해 생기는 분쟁
    a job or position / 직책
    a person who appreciates art / 미술애호가
  • Q10
    disparage (v.)
    to put into practice/action / ~을 이행하다, ~을 실행하다, ~을 수행하다
    to make (something) dangerous, dirty; or impure / 오염시키다
    to happen simultaneously (at the same time) / 동시에 일어나다
    to criticize, belittle / 비하하다, 깔보다
  • Q11
    impart (v.)
    to annoy or bother (someone) in a constant or repeated way / 희롱하다
    to hate very much / 혐오하다
    to make known or communicate / 전하다
    to destroy completely / 완전히 파괴하다
  • Q12
    preoccupied (adj.)
    not answered, mentioned, or resolved / 언급되지 않은, 해결되지 않은
    capable of being shaped or molded; easily influenced or impressionable / 가소성 있는
    out of fashion / 구식의, 유행에 뒤진, 시대에 뒤진
    deeply absorbed in thought / 골몰한, 몰두한, 정신이 팔린
  • Q13
    fathom (v.)
    to take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force / 찬탈하다
    to understand, comprehend / 이해하다
    to come together or unite into one / 합체하다
    be repeated several times as an echo / 울려퍼지다
  • Q14
    remnant (n.)
    a small remainder of something / ~의 흔적, 남겨진 파편
    a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner / 선구자
    a job or position / 직책
    permission for something to happen or agreement to do something / 동의
  • Q15
    faculty (n.)
    cognitive or perceptual powers of the mind / 인지/감각 능력
    the edge or border of something / 여백
    inclination or disposition towards something / 성향
    a belief about the future; prospect; future possibility / 전망, 장래성

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