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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    proliferate (v.)
    to make. [replace with "make" and it usually means the same] / ~를 ~로 되게 하다
    to retaliate, a retaliatory action / 역습, 역공
    to cause or intend to cause harm / 비방하다
    to increase rapidly in number or spread widely / 번식하다
  • Q2
    conformity (n.)
    the act of reaching out or extending efforts to others / 외부로의 확장
    a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help) / 후원자, 기부자
    an external appearance or semblance / 외관, 모습
    compliance with standards, rules, or norms / 순응
  • Q3
    reproach (v.)
    to have a mutual relationship or connection / 연관시키다
    to cease to consider; to cause or permit to leave / ~을 무시하다, ~을 묵살하다
    to express criticism towards; to admonish / ~를 비판하다; ~를 혼내다
    to show, reveal / 나타내다
  • Q4
    pretentious (adj.)
    not constant or steady / 간헐적인
    showing favoritism, biased / ~에 편향된, ~를 더 좋아하는, ~에 치우친
    acting or intending to appear better, more important, or distinguished, usually to impress / 허세부리는, 가식적인
    not moving or changing / 정지한, 고정된
  • Q5
    constitute (v.)
    form or compose; set up or lay the groundwork for; create and charge with a task or function; to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting" / ~을 구성하다
    to reply quickly and sharply in response to a comment or accusation / 날카로운 대답을 하다
    to say or suggest that someone or something has or is guilty of (something) / ~의 탓으로 돌리다, 씌우다
    to gain favor or acceptance through deliberate effort / 아첨하다
  • Q6
    distinctive (adj.)
    strict or precise in requirements or standards / 엄격한
    having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing / 그리워하는
    distinguishing / 독특한
    impressive or grand in appearance / 인상적인
  • Q7
    sever (v.)
    to cut off (from a whole) / ~을 끊다
    to stop being strong or successful; to begin to fail or weaken / 흔들리다, 불안정해지 다
    to find out, to figure out / ~인지 확인하다, ~인지 알아내다
    to eat grass from the ground / (자연에서, 땅에 있는) 풀을 뜯어 먹다
  • Q8
    concentric (adj.)
    attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous / 눈부신
    poor, needy / 빈곤한
    having a common center / 동심원의
    having a tendency for / ~을 믿는 편인, ~하는 경향이 있는
  • Q9
    insular (adj.)
    tending to reject; showing indifference or disregard / 경멸감을 보이는
    narrowly restricted in outlook or scope; suggestive of the isolated life of an island; relating to or characteristic of or situated on an island / 뇌·췌장의 섬과 관련된
    performed merely as a routine duty; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm / 형식적인
    carelessly and foolishly spending money, time / 사치스런
  • Q10
    congruent (adj.)
    yielding readily to; especially vulnerable to / ~에 취약한, ~하는 경향이 있는
    endless or seemingly endless / 끝없는
    relating to sight or vision / 광학의
    in agreement or harmony / 적합한
  • Q11
    credence (n.)
    belief or acceptance as true or valid / 신용
    an indirect reference to something or someone / 암시
    the occurrence, rate, or frequency of something, especially something unwanted / 발생율
    a statement made about the future / 예측, 예보
  • Q12
    vanquish (v.)
    to reach the highest point or climax / 절정에 이르다
    to limit, restrict / 제한하다
    represent as less significant or important / ~의 중요성을 축소시켜 설명하다
    to defeat thoroughly; to overcome or subdue / 완파하다
  • Q13
    administration (n.)
    act of giving medication or some treatment / 투여
    a large amount or quantity of / 부유함, 풍부함
    priority or ranking of importance / 우선순위
    pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence / 쾌락주의
  • Q14
    displaced (adj.)
    deceitful, deceptive / 이중적인, 기만적인
    pushed off or removed from one's position by another / (자리에서) 밀려난
    feeling hopeless / 절망적인
    extremely hungry / 굶주린
  • Q15
    arbiter (n.)
    a judge or decision-maker / 조정자, 중재자
    the gradual intrusion or advancement into someone else's territory or rights / 침해
    an increase or addition / 증가, 증분
    a guard; a watcher / 보초병, 감시병

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