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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    attest (v.)
    to cause confusion or disarray; to mix up or jumble / 혼란시키다
    to provide evidence or confirm something / 입증하다
    to make (something) shorter or smaller by removing parts that are less important / 압축하다
    to take into account; to consider (especially in comparison to another factor) / ~을 고려하다
  • Q2
    temporal (adj.)
    careful in choosing or deciding / 선택적인
    existing but not yet developed or manifest / 잠재적인
    relating to time or the material world as opposed to the spiritual realm / 시간적인
    characterized by unrest or disorder / 격동하는
  • Q3
    disparity (n.)
    inequality or difference; gap / 차이; 격차
    an increase or addition / 증가, 증분
    a journey to a faraway place, usually by sea / (바다로) 여행하다
    strong, unshaken belief / 신념
  • Q4
    transcribe (v.)
    be a sign or indication of; represent / 나타내다
    to get, develop, or come from something else / ~에서 오다, ~에서 추론하다
    to estimate something as being lower, smaller, or of less value / ~을 과소평가하다, ~을 경시하다
    write down or type out a copy of / 필사하다
  • Q5
    partial (adj.)
    impressive or grand in appearance / 인상적인
    showing favoritism, biased / ~에 편향된, ~를 더 좋아하는, ~에 치우친
    politely pleasant and friendly / 다정한
    lacking originality, overused / 진부한, 흔한 것
  • Q6
    adherent (n.)
    a strong urge or desire to do something / 강박, 강한 충동
    a follower or supporter of something / 추종자
    the quality of being sensible, reasonable, valid / 합리성, 멀쩡함, 견고함
    excessive pride, arrogance / 오만
  • Q7
    unequivocal (adj.)
    given, felt, or done in return / 상호간의
    having value that is not acknowledged; not likely to be rewarded / 인정받지 못한
    clear, not ambiguous / 명쾌한, 명백한, 분명한
    showing inventiveness (creativity) and skill / 영리하고 창의적인
  • Q8
    manifestation (n.)
    a clear appearance or expression / 현시, 출현, 나타남
    the state of being strong and active / 활력
    permission for something to happen or agreement to do something / 동의
    pleasant sound, harmony / 우아한 소리
  • Q9
    vindicate (v.)
    to clear (someone) of blame or suspicion / 무죄임을 입증하다
    to admit (usually to the opposition) / ~을 인정하다
    to gain favor or acceptance through deliberate effort / 아첨하다
    to constantly annoy or bother / 박해하다
  • Q10
    contradict (v.)
    to prevent or obstruct; to dishearten / ~가 잘 안되도록 하다; ~을 기죽이다, ~을 낙담시키다
    to describe (something) before it happens / 예언하다
    to improve / 개선하다
    to deny, oppose / 반박하다
  • Q11
    reservation (n.)
    an a feeling of doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly / 주저하는 마음, 적극적이지 않게 하는 마음
    doubt or disbelief in the truth or validity of something / 회의
    the power of using one's will / 의지
    the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner / 복구
  • Q12
    champion (v.)
    to make more difficult / 복잡하게 하다
    to represent falsely; to fake or falsify / ~을 ~라고 잘못 전하다; 거짓된 내용을 얘기하다
    to fight for or defend publicly / ~을 옹호하다, 대변하다
    to appeal or request earnestly / ~을 호소하다
  • Q13
    extraneous (adj.)
    in agreement or harmony / 적합한
    widely known and esteemed / 유명한
    having or showing a dislike or prejudice against people from other countries / 외국인 혐오의
    not essential or important / 관계없는, 포함되지 않은, 필수가 아닌
  • Q14
    dissemination (n.)
    a thing that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist / 전제 조건
    something happening again (especially at regular intervals) / 반복되는 현상
    storage area or facility / 보고
    the act of spreading / 보급, 전파
  • Q15
    indefinitely (adv.)
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게
    forever (unclear when it will end) / 영원히 (언제 끝날지 명확하지 않은 상태로)
    up to this time / 지금까지

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