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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    aggrandize (v.)
    to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you want to do what is right / 뉘우치다
    to limit; to cut short / ~을 제한하다; ~을 (예정보다 더 빠르게) 끝내다
    to influence or persuade to do something by talking in a gentle / 구슬리다
    to enhance or exaggerate the power, status, or reputation of someone or something / 크게 만들다
  • Q2
    dissonance (n.)
    a particular manner of speaking or language / 표현 방식
    a person who challenges traditional beliefs or institutions / 반교도
    something (like money) given as payment/reward / 보상
    lack of harmony, conflict / 불일치, 불협화음
  • Q3
    affiliate (v.)
    feel deep respect or admiration for (something) or someone / 숭배하다
    to officially attach or associate with / 가맹하다
    show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing / 연루시키다
    to drop sharply / 곤두박질치다
  • Q4
    pervade (v.)
    to estimate or measure / 측정하다
    to direct the flow of / ~을 보내다, ~을 ~로 흘려보내다
    to overwhelm with a large amount of something / 범람하다
    to spread throughout and be present in every part / 퍼지다
  • Q5
    profound (adj.)
    having an appearance that attracts attention / 현란한
    related to beauty and the way things look / 미학의, 심미적인
    having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude / 숙련된
    having deep meaning or significance / 심오한
  • Q6
    unfettered (adj.)
    bitter / 신랄한
    persistent, determined / 끈질긴
    following accepted customs; traditional (the way it's been done) / 관례적인, 원래부터 했었던 방식인
    not restricted or restrained / 자유로운
  • Q7
    caliber (n.)
    a remark or statement that is overused and lacks originality / 진부한 말
    death, end / 종말, 사망
    quality of doing something easily with little effort / 노력없이 무언가를 잘하는 성질
    quality, level / 수준
  • Q8
    genial (adj.)
    friendly, cheerful / 상냥한
    in a state of disrepair / 낡은, 황폐한
    intended to teach or instruct / 교훈적인
    joyful and proud especially because of success / 승리한, 성공한
  • Q9
    intricate (adj.)
    of or relating to color or color phenomena or sensations / 색의
    very bad; deserving very strong criticism / 비난할 만한
    denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; marked by or given to doubt / 의심많은, 회의적인
    having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate / 복잡한, 정신없는
  • Q10
    heresy (n.)
    misunderstanding of something / 오해
    belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine / 이단
    severe pain or distress / 고통, 괴로움
    belief or acceptance as true or valid / 신용
  • Q11
    vigorous (adj.)
    strong and active physically or mentally / 활기찬, 힘찬, 활력이 넘치는
    capable of being seen or noticed / 관찰 할 수 있는, 식별할 수 있는, 볼 수 있는
    in its original condition; unspoiled / 원래의, 오염되지 않은
    intended to teach or instruct / 교훈적인
  • Q12
    herein (adv.)
    in this document, fact, or statement / 여기에
    slightly or to a small degree / 약간, 소량
    although; even though / 비록 ~일지라도
    in a way that is impossible to separate or disentangle / 풀릴 수 없이, 불가분하게
  • Q13
    rationalize (v.)
    to pass or go beyond / ~의 범위나 한계를 벗어나다
    to give or apply; to give out; to get rid of / ~을 분출하다; ~을 내보내다, ~을 없애다
    gradually wear away or diminish / 침식하다
    attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate / 합리화하다
  • Q14
    customary (adj.)
    chosen at will (usually without any real standards) / (내키는대로) 정해지거나 선택된
    characterized by bitterness or resentment / 원한 많은
    hasty, superficial / 대충의
    according to the customs or usual practices / 관례상의
  • Q15
    hence (adv.)
    with one's identity concealed / 가명으로, 익명으로
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
    happening at the same time / 동시에
    as a consequence; for this reason / 그래서

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