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T.D.SAT INT 0713

Quiz by Jun Cha

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    virtuoso (n.)
    physical strength and energy / 활기
    a person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit / 거장, 명인
    the occurrence of fortunate or unexpected events by chance / 우연한 발견
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
  • Q2
    forego (v.)
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    to decide not to do or have something / 포기하다
    to do away with; to repeal (a law or practice) / ~을 폐지하다, ~을 파기하다
    to provide a brief sketch of / ~에 대해 간략하고 전체적으로 서술하다
  • Q3
    drowsy (adj.)
    characterized by bitterness or resentment / 원한 많은
    many and of various types / 다양한
    sleepy / 졸린
    surpassing a common or expected level; excellent / 우수한
  • Q4
    augment (v.)
    to take apart or deconstruct / 해체하다
    to increase or enhance / 증가시키다
    to make better (more sophisticated, precise, accurate) / ~을 개선하다 (더 수준이 높게, 더 정확하게)
    to gather / 모으다
  • Q5
    credulous (adj.)
    gullible, easily fooled / 잘 믿는
    self-governing / 자치의
    relating to mental processes or awareness / 인지적인
    contrary to what intuition would suggest / 직관과 반대되는
  • Q6
    organically (adv.)
    in this document, fact, or statement / 여기에
    naturally, not artificially / 유기적으로, 자연스럽게
    late / 뒤늦게
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
  • Q7
    deceptive (adj.)
    self-evident, unquestionable / 자명한
    designed to deceive or mislead either deliberately or inadvertently / 현혹하는, 기만하는, 속이는
    derived or obtained from a source / 파생된
    the scientific study of how people's, animals', plants' bodies  function / 생리학의
  • Q8
    console (v.)
    to give moral or emotional strength to; to help someone feel better after something sad or bad happened / ~을 위로하다
    to push towards (physical, but also into a situation) / ~를 (어떤 방향 혹은 상황으로) 밀다/밀어넣다
    to receive (money, property, etc.) from someone when that person dies / 물려받다
    to express clearly / 잘 설명하다, 잘 말하다
  • Q9
    embed (v.)
    to fix firmly and deeply in a surrounding mass / 삽입하다
    to search for something especially by moving and looking through the contents of a place / 뒤지다
    to make isolated or emotionally disassociated / ~을 소외시키다
    to satisfy / 달래다
  • Q10
    tense (adj.)
    anxious about an uncertain future; having opposing or conflicting elements in balance / 긴장된; 긴장된 (상반된 것들의 대립이 있는, 혹은 어떤 불안이나 우려로 인한)
    not moving, unable to move / 움직일 수 없는
    combined into one whole / 통합된, 합병된
    using money, resources carefully / 검소한
  • Q11
    cynical (adj.)
    not admitting of passage or capable of being affected / 영향받지 않는, 뚫리지 않는
    characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy / 국민주의적인
    very happy / 환호하는
    believing the worst of human nature and motives / 비관적인
  • Q12
    whimsical (adj.)
    capable of being easily spread to others / 전염성의
    playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way / 기발한
    1. not prepared or improved by cultivation or cultivation not being applied; 2. lacking education or refinement / 경작되지 않은; 교육이나 세련되지 않은
    very careful about doing what you are supposed to do / 양심적인
  • Q13
    subsequently (adv.)
    only, just (minimizes significance or magnitude) / 그저 (의미나 규모를 축소)
    afterward; later on / 그 후에
    up until now; until this time / 지금까지
    late / 뒤늦게
  • Q14
    sturdy (adj.)
    lacking energy or vitality / 무기력한
    built well and strong / 튼튼한, 완강한
    examining one's own thoughts or feelings / 스스로를 돌아보는
    of or relating to money / 통화의
  • Q15
    cohesive (adj.)
    occurring at irregular intervals; scattered or isolated / 때때로 일어나는
    about to happen, near / 임박한
    causing fear or apprehension, difficult to overcome / 굳세다
    united, well-integrated / 응집력 있는

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