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T.D.SAT INT 0727

Quiz by Do Hun Kim

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    extinction (n.)
    death, end / 종말, 사망
    the death of all its remaining living members / 소멸
    the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute; unreliability attributable to being unstable; an unstable order; a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium / 정서 불안정
    the process by which something occurs / 방법, 메커니즘; 진행 원리
  • Q2
    ponder (v.)
    to explain (the cause or origin of) / ~의 원인이나 유래를 설명하다
    to think something is true without actually knowing / 가정하다
    to think about or consider (something) carefully / 곰곰이 생각하다
    to terminate or cancel prematurely / 중단하다
  • Q3
    inhabitant (n.)
    a symbolic story / 우화
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
    a person one knows (but not necessarily a close friend) / 지인, (그냥) 아는 사람
    a person or animal that lives in certain place / 거주자
  • Q4
    sacred (adj.)
    mocking, ridiculing / 조롱하는
    outdated, old-fashioned / 구식의
    used, needed; or enjoyed constantly by many people / 주된, 중요한
    very holy / 신성한
  • Q5
    definite (adj.)
    causing damage or erosion by chemical action / 부식성의
    estimated or predicted based on current trends or data / 예상된
    joyful and proud especially because of success / 승리한, 성공한
    already set or decided / 명확한
  • Q6
    intimate (adj.)
    1. of or relating to the earliest age or period 2. very simple and basic / 1. 원시의, 2. 발달 초기의
    having a very close relationship / 친한
    done by or characteristic of individuals acting together / 집합의
    firm and strong, not loose or flabby / 팽팽한
  • Q7
    resource (n.)
    a thing with distinct and independent existence / 개체
    a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and who expresses ideas and opinions about that subject publicly / 전문가, 권위자
    inequality or difference; gap / 차이; 격차
    an ability to meet and handle a situation / 재주
  • Q8
    inclined (adj.)
    having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude / 숙련된
    mysterious, understood by few / 신비한, 난해한
    wanting to do something or likely to do something / ~하고 싶은, 경향이 있는
    unable to function or survive / 무력한
  • Q9
    clash (v.)
    to be a perfect example of / 대표하다
    to come into conflict with someone / 충돌, 언쟁하다
    to cause to be distrusted or disbelieved / ~을 불신하게 하다; ~의 신빙성을 추락시키다
    to rebuild or form again / 재구성하다
  • Q10
    rebellion (n.)
    a merger / 합병
    a display of great welcome and congratulations / 엄청난 환영
    open opposition toward a person or group in authority / 반역
    the process of formally admitting someone to a position or organization / 취임
  • Q11
    torment (n.)
    extreme physical or mental pain / 고통
    the ability to see what will or might happen in the future / 통찰력
    someone who makes or enacts laws / 입법자, 법률 제정자
    originality or newness; a small, insignificant but interesting little object / 새로움, 참신함; 작은 제품
  • Q12
    letha (adj.)
    eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight / 호전적인
    relating to or located on a continent / 대륙의
    causing or able to cause death / 치명적인
    necessary to make a whole complete; essential / 필수적인
  • Q13
    boast (v.)
    to talk about it very proudly in an offensive way / 자랑하다
    to end; or to cause to end / 끝내다
    to have a mutual relationship or connection / 연관시키다
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
  • Q14
    dictate (v.)
    to express one's opinions in a pompous and dogmatic way / 훈계하다
    to gather, assemble / 소집하다
    to provoke or stir up; to urge on; to cause to act; to give an incentive for action / ~을 자극하다, ~을 도발하다
    to order someone / 명령하다
  • Q15
    grudging (adj.)
    made up of various parts or elements / 복합의
    doing, giving, saying in an unwilling or reluctant way / 마지못해 하는
    many and of various types / 다양한
    accompanying / 동반하는

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