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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    nourish (v.)
    1. to provide (someone or something) with food or other things that are needed to live, be healthy, etc 2. to cause (something) to develop or grow stronger / 영양분을 주다, 먹이다
    to gradually become smaller / 줄이다
    to limit; to cut short / ~을 제한하다; ~을 (예정보다 더 빠르게) 끝내다
    to terminate or cancel prematurely / 중단하다
  • Q2
    savor (v.)
    to attribute or assign / 돌리다, 귀속시키다
    1. a good taste or smell 2. to enjoy something for a long time / 1. 맛, 풍미 (명사) 2. 즐기다 (동사)
    to combine or join together / 합병하다
    to challenge; to assert one's disagreement / ~에 이의를 제기하다
  • Q3
    stealthy (adj.)
    appearing or developing early (usually intellectually) / 조숙한
    quiet and secret in order to avoid being noticed / 은밀한
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable / 구식의, 더 이상 유효하지 않은
    different, deviating / 다른, 벗어난
  • Q4
    voluble (adj.)
    seemingly contradictory, but actually true / 역설적인
    having imagination, initiative, and readiness to undertake new projects / 진취적인, 모험적인
    lacking originality or freshness; overused and consequently of little import / 진부한
    talking a lot in an energetic and rapid way / (말) 많은, 유창한
  • Q5
    vulnerable (adj.)
    notably large in size, amount, or extent / 상당한, 많은
    easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally; or emotionally / 취약한
    suitable or appropriate, pleasant and enjoyable / 호의적인
    not yet solved / 해결되지 못한, 결정되지 못한
  • Q6
    agile (adj.)
    not genuine; showing no honest reflection / 거짓의, 위선의
    mysterious, puzzling / 수수께끼 같은
    1. not able to produce children or offspring (animal, plants) 2. dry and bare / 불모의
    quick, smart, and clever / 민첩한
  • Q7
    blunt (adj.)
    hardworking, thorough / 근면한
    1. not sharp 2. saying or expressing something in a very direct way that may upset some people / 무딘; 퉁명스런
    based on a mistaken belief / 잘못된, 허위의
    slim, narrow, or little in quantity / 얇은, 날씬한; 부족한, 불충분한, 제한된
  • Q8
    contagious (adj.)
    not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse / 위태로운
    capable of being easily spread to others / 전염성의
    too bad, harsh, or severe to be accepted or tolerated / 견딜 수 없는
    not able to be seen through; not transparent / 불투명한
  • Q9
    detract (v.)
    to speak ill of, to take away / (가치) 떨어뜨리다
    to spread, distribute / 보급하다
    to free / 해방시키다
    demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement / 규정하다
  • Q10
    exalt (v.)
    to confuse (someone) very much / 당혹스럽게 하다
    suggest that someone is guilty; bring an accusation against; level a charge against / ~에게 죄를 씌우다, ~을 유죄로 만들다
    1. to praise highly 2. to raise (someone or something) to a higher level / 칭찬하다
    to come together from different directions / 모이다
  • Q11
    forge (v.)
    1. to form or make, especially by concentrated effort 2. to imitate (handwriting, a signature, etc.) fraudulently / 만들다; 날조하다
    gradually wear away or diminish / 침식하다
    to make better (more sophisticated, precise, accurate) / ~을 개선하다 (더 수준이 높게, 더 정확하게)
    to declare or state (something) in an open and public way / 공언하다
  • Q12
    immoral (adj.)
    not morally good or right  / 부도덕한
    amazing / 놀라운
    avoiding the company of other people; solitary / 은둔적인
    having great power, influence, or effect / 강력한
  • Q13
    inert (adj.)
    estimated or predicted based on current trends or data / 예상된
    1. unable to move 2. moving or acting very slowly / 굼뜬
    of, relating to, or situated at the edge or margin / 주변의
    perplexed, confused / 당혹스러운
  • Q14
    surge (v.)
    to slow down the development or progress of (something) / 지체시키다
    to allow or endure the presence of something unpleasant / ~을 참다, ~을 견디다
    1. to suddenly increase to an unusually high level 2. to move very quickly and suddenly in a particular direction / 급등(하다), 쇄도(하다)
    to cause a feeling of great surprise or wonder in (someone) / 깜짝 놀라게 하다
  • Q15
    wrangle (v.)
    to argue angrily with someone / 논쟁(하다)
    to make great efforts or work hard towards a goal or objective / 노력하다
    to make (something) simpler, more effective; or more productive / 간소화 하다
    to become or make more intense / 강화하다

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