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T.D.SAT TOP 0103

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    epistemology (n.)
    mixed feelings or emotions / 주저, 우유부단
    behavior or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or damage / 장난
    the study of knowledge, belief / 인식론
    a person believing or practicing religious heresy / 이단자
  • Q2
    vibrancy (n.)
    resonance; full of life / 공명; 생기 있는
    achieving of harmony between two (usually seemingly contradictory) things or ideas; restoration of relations / (모순되는 것 처럼 보이는 것에서 이뤄지는) 일치, 조화; (관계의) 화해
    calmness, composure / 평정, 침착
    a person who appreciates fine food and drink / 미식가
  • Q3
    mitigate (v.)
    to make less severe, serious, or painful / 완화하다
    to adopt or support a cause or belief / 옹호하다
    to nullify, deny, or invalidate / 부정하다
    to show that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people / 잘난 체하다
  • Q4
    sustain (v.)
    to become or make more intense / 강화하다
    to make worse or less effective / ~을 악화시키다, ~을 손상시키다
    strengthen or support physically or mentally / 유지하다
    to talk about it very proudly in an offensive way / 자랑하다
  • Q5
    deteriorate (v.)
    to slow down the development or progress of (something) / 지체시키다
    to worsen, decline / 악화되다
    to form (something) by combining separate things / 결합하다
    1. to look directly at someone in an angry way 2. to shine with a harsh, bright light / 1. 노려보다 2. 번쩍이다
  • Q6
    evocative (adj.)
    bringing strong memories or emotions to mind / 연상시키는
    total, without exception, absolute / 완전한
    fake; made with intent to deceive for the real thing / 위조된
    firmly established and difficult to change / 확립된, 뿌리 깊은
  • Q7
    integrate (v.)
    to increase very quickly / 치솟다
    prevent or obstruct / (~가 일어나지 않도록) 방해하다
    to search for something especially by moving and looking through the contents of a place / 뒤지다
    to combine or bring together to form a whole / 통합하다
  • Q8
    primacy (n.)
    behavior or activity that is annoying but that is not meant to cause serious harm or damage / 장난
    the act of surrendering or giving up / 항복
    a person who supports or gives financial or other support to a person, organization, or cause / 후원자
    the state of being first or most important / 우위
  • Q9
    convention (n.)
    a large meeting or assembly, usually for a specific purpose; the traditional method of doing something / 회의, 집회, 대회; 관행
    the gradual intrusion or advancement into someone else's territory or rights / 침해
    a belief about the future; prospect; future possibility / 전망, 장래성
    inequality or difference; gap / 차이; 격차
  • Q10
    momentous (adj.)
    unable to be both true at the same time / 모순된
    of great importance or significance / 중대한
    showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence / 소심한
    small but comfortable / 아늑한
  • Q11
    chastise (v.)
    to promote the growth of; to help develop or progress more / ~를 더 발전시키다; ~의 성장에 기여하다
    to portray as less serious or significant / ~가 더 작거나 덜 중요한 것 처럼 얘기하다
    to provide solution; to heal; to fix / ~을 바로잡다, ~을 원상복귀시키다 (치료하다)
    to scold, reprimand / 질책하다
  • Q12
    sketch (n.)
    boldness or daring / 대담함
    the act of spreading / 보급, 전파
    a strong desire for something or someone / 욕망
    preliminary or rough drawing, description / 스케치, 대략적인 묘사
  • Q13
    languid (adj.)
    friendly / 상냥한
    lacking energy or vitality / 무기력한
    luxurious/expensive / 사치스러운
    capable of being attributed or assigned to / ~에 기인하는
  • Q14
    eradicate (v.)
    to harmonize opposing ideas/concepts; to mend a relationship after conflict / (반대되는 혹은 충돌하는 개념들을) 화합시키다; 화해시키다
    to harmonize opposing ideas/concepts; to mend a relationship after conflict / (반대되는 혹은 충돌하는 개념들을) 화합시키다; 화해시키다
    to eliminate, remove / 근절하다
    to achieve or reach a goal or desired objective / 얻다
  • Q15
    acquaintance (n.)
    the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class / 본질
    approval / 승인, 칭찬
    a person one knows (but not necessarily a close friend) / 지인, (그냥) 아는 사람
    a disbelief in the existence of deity / 무신론

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