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T.D.SAT Vocab W12

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    grave (adj.)
    tending to bring about; being partly responsible for / ~에 도움이 되는
    tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument / 설득력있는, 끌리는
    very serious / 심각한, 중대한
    exhibiting confidence / 자신감에 찬
  • Q2
    undermine (v.)
    to overcome, to be on top of / ~을 극복하다, ~을 타파하다
    to make up for / ~을 만회하다, (부족했던 것을 대신해) 메꾸다, ~을 보상하다
    to understate the importance or quality of; to represent as less significant or important / ~의 중요성을 축소해서 얘기하다; 실제보다 더 약하거나 덜한 것 처럼 표현하다
    to weaken; to bring down; to harm / ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼손하다, ~을 해치다
  • Q3
    unrefined (adj.)
    able to attract interest, draw favorable attention or evoke empathic or sympathetic feelings / 흥미로운, 관심을 끄는, 공감을 사는
    (used of persons and their behavior) not refined; uncouth; not refined or processed / 세련되지 않은, 정교하지 않은
    marked by active interest and enthusiasm / 열광적인, 과도한
    tending to bring about; being partly responsible for / ~에 도움이 되는
  • Q4
    minimize (v.)
    to use or manipulate to one's advantage / ~을 활용하다
    to portray as less serious or significant / ~가 더 작거나 덜 중요한 것 처럼 얘기하다
    to protect; to provide a safe place for rest / 피할 곳/피난처 등을 제공하다
    to cause ~ / ~를 일으키다
  • Q5
    reservation (n.)
    a name; a unit; a category or group within a larger one / 명명; 단위; 더 큰 집단 내의 어떤 파 혹은 그룹
    support/approval / 추천, 지지
    an a feeling of doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly / 주저하는 마음, 적극적이지 않게 하는 마음
    very unfriendly disposition; feeling of consideration one as an enemy / 적대감
  • Q6
    distort (v.)
    to assume as fact; to offer as basis of argument / ~을 가정하다
    to alter, twist, or mutate out of shape (usually negative) / ~을 뒤틀리게 하다, ~을 왜곡하다
    to take away; to keep from / ~에게서 ~을 빼앗다
    to describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of / (대략적으로) 알려주다
  • Q7
    bitter (adj.)
    out of fashion / 구식의, 유행에 뒤진, 시대에 뒤진
    resentful; having ill-will or hostility / 분노에 찬, 분개하는
    causing confusion; unclear / 수수께끼 같은
    able to endure something (without too much displeasure); somewhat accepting of something / 용인하는, 관용하는; 봐주는
  • Q8
    collective (adj.)
    having no precedent; novel; never before seen / 전례가 없는, 전에 없던
    not fully decided or agreed upon yet / 잠정적인; 아직 100% 정해지지 않은
    showing little or no emotion or animation / 무관심한
    done by or characteristic of individuals acting together / 집합의
  • Q9
    recap (n.)
    understanding another's feelings / 공감
    distribution according to a plan / 할당, 분배
    to summarize briefly / 요약하다, 짧게 말하다
    possibility of something happening or capability of succeeding or surviving / 가능성, 생존 능력/가능성
  • Q10
    plausible (adj.)
    having a defect or a fault / 결점 있는
    familiarized, used to / (~~에) 익숙해진
    showing inventiveness (creativity) and skill / 영리하고 창의적인
    apparently reasonable, valid, or possible / 그럴듯한
  • Q11
    surpass (v.)
    to move something wholly from one place to another (without deconstruction) / ~를 통채로 옮기다
    to cause; to promote / ~을 이끌다, ~에 동력이 되다
    to pass or go beyond / ~의 범위나 한계를 벗어나다
    to make attractive or lovable / ~을 사랑받게 하다, ~을 따르게 하다
  • Q12
    effortlessness (n.)
    man-made object / 사람이 만든 것
    language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate / 조롱, 비웃음
    quality of doing something easily with little effort / 노력없이 무언가를 잘하는 성질
    an inclination to favor one group or view or opinion over alternatives; a predisposition to like something / 편파, 편견, 불공평
  • Q13
    in conjunction with (adv.)
    in combination with; together with / 함께, 같이
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
  • Q14
    melodramatic (adj.)
    deeply absorbed in thought / 골몰한, 몰두한, 정신이 팔린
    deficient in quantity (especially compared to demand) / 드문, 희귀한
    without confusion or complexity / 간단한, 단순한
    overly dramatic (usually exaggerated) / 지나치게 감정적인; 너무 오바하는
  • Q15
    displace (v.)
    to be fond of; to be attached to / ~를 소중히 하다
    to move away (or push off) from a position; to take the place of / ~를 (자리에서) 밀어내다; ~을 대체하다, 대신 들어서다
    to challenge or refuse to obey / ~가 ~하는 데 도전하게 하다
    to push or poke against / 찌르다, 누르다, 살짝 밀다

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