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T.D.SAT Vocab W8

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    administration (n.)
    worth, value / 가치
    act of giving medication or some treatment / 투여
    sense of pride in oneself; quality worth of respect / 위엄, 품위, 존엄성
    originality or newness; a small, insignificant but interesting little object / 새로움, 참신함; 작은 제품
  • Q2
    wane (v.)
    to call to mind; to bring forth / ~를 (생각, 감정 등을) 불러오다
    to pass or go beyond / ~의 범위나 한계를 벗어나다, ~를 뛰어넘다
    to go up in position (physically or abstractly) / ~에 오르다; 올라가다
    to decrease in phase; to become smaller; to grow smaller / 줄어들다
  • Q3
    scarce (adj.)
    deficient in quantity (especially compared to demand) / 드문, 희귀한
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
    confused / 당혹스러운, 혼란스러운
    slightly visible on the horizon (or ahead); upcoming / 어렴풋이 보이는
  • Q4
    misconception (n.)
    a plan set in motion; willingness to start ventures / (주로 뭔가를 시작하는) 계획; (무언가를 시작하는) 의지
    things that can be accomplished by something; state of having lots of utility / 기능; 기능의 많음
    an incorrect idea or understanding / 오해, 잘못된 생각
    strong, unshaken belief / 신념
  • Q5
    asymmetric (adj.)
    lack of symmetry; an imbalance between two parties / 비대칭인
    injurious to physical or mental health / 유해한, 유독한
    showing reason or sound judgment / 합리적이고 올바른 판단을 하는
    so small as to be meaningless; insignificant; not worth considering / 무시할 만한
  • Q6
    stoical (adj.)
    confused / 당혹스러운, 혼란스러운
    seeming unaffected by pleasure or pain; impassive, not showing emotion / 금욕주의의, 감정을 보이지 않는
    inexperienced, gullible, innocent / 경험이 없는, 초짜의; 순수한
    strong and active physically or mentally / 활기찬, 힘찬, 활력이 넘치는
  • Q7
    at ease (adj.)
    arousing intense emotion / 가슴에 사무치는
    owing gratitude or recognition to another for help or favors / ~에게 감사하는, 은혜를 입은
    comfortable, without worry / 편안한, 걱정없는
    different, not similar / 다른, 같지 않은
  • Q8
    speculative (adj.)
    of very high grade; made of very small particles / 높은 품질의; 고운
    spreading or spread throughout / 확산하는 혹은 퍼진
    expressing extreme contempt / 경멸하는, 모욕하는, 업신여기는
    not based on fact or investigation / 근거없는 추측인
  • Q9
    decisive (adj.)
    attracting or delighting; interacting with / 상냥한, 매력 있는; ~와 상호 작용하는
    unmistakable, clear; majorly influencing a result / 압도적으로 명백한; 결정적인
    too simple / 너무 단순화시킨, 지나치게 간소화한
    lacking regard for others / 남을 배려하지 않는
  • Q10
    attend (v.)
    to accompany / ~을 동반하다
    to impart vigor, strength, or vitality to / ~의 생기를 돋우다
    to pretend; to make a pretense of / ~을 꾸미다, ~인 척을 하다
    to lift/remove and place somewhere else / ~을 (통채로) 옮기다
  • Q11
    sophisticated (adj.)
    derived from experience or the experience of existence / 경험의, 경험상의
    not firm in decision; unable to make decisions timely; not significant as to ultimately decide a result / 의지나 결정이 완고하지 않은; 결정/결단을 잘 못내리는; 그렇게 중요하거나 치명적이지 않아 최종 결론을 못내리는
    complex and high-level / 수준이 높고 복잡한/정교한
    delicately beautiful / 정교하게 아름다운
  • Q12
    warrant (v.)
    to justify; to show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for / ~을 정당화하다
    to serve as the inciting cause of; to urge on or encourage / ~에게 ~을 불러일으키다
    to make changes to; to edit / ~을 수선하다; ~을 수정하다, ~의 어떤 점을 변경하다
    to make one's way by pushing and shoving aside people or things / 밀치면서 앞으로 나가다
  • Q13
    void (n.)
    a small remainder of something / ~의 흔적, 자취
    lack of physical strength; quality of being easily damaged or destroyed / 연약함, 여림
    emptiness; space containing nothing / 허공, 공허
    resonance; full of life / 공명; 생기 있는
  • Q14
    dispute (v.)
    to challenge; to assert one's disagreement / ~에 이의를 제기하다
    to reference indirectly / (~를) 넌지시 언급하다
    to assume as fact; to offer as basis of argument / ~을 가정하다
    to lower tension or aggression of a situation / ~을 진정시키다
  • Q15
    exemplary (adj.)
    recurring again and again / 반복적인
    noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline / 거친, 사나운, 요란한
    very serious / 심각한, 중대한
    worth of imitation; being a great example for something / 대단한, 모범적인

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