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Team work in business

Quiz by Hamza Hussain

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61 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the best way to promote team work in a business?
    Encourage open communication and active listening.
    Create a competitive environment.
    Assign tasks without any feedback.
    Micromanage the team members.
  • Q2
    What is the importance of team work in a business?
    It maximizes productivity and creativity.
    It decreases accountability and responsibility.
    It leads to conflicts and low morale.
    It wastes time and resources.
  • Q3
    What is the key to an effective team work in a business?
    Work in silos.
    Individual performance.
    Effective communication and collaboration.
  • Q4
    What does a high performing team prioritize?
    Micro-management and control.
    Individual recognition and rewards.
    Blame and excuses.
    Collaboration and shared goals.
  • Q5
    What are the benefits of team work in a business?
    Increased competition, decreased accountability and apathy.
    Decreased efficiency, low morale, and burnout.
    Decreased innovation, low morale and poor decision-making.
    Increased efficiency, innovation and employee satisfaction.
  • Q6
    What is a potential challenge to effective team work in a business?
    Communication barriers.
    Equal distribution of workload.
    Lack of hierarchy.
    Too much collaboration.
  • Q7
    What is the role of a team leader in promoting team work?
    Blaming the team members when goals are not met.
    Encouraging competition among team members.
    Enabling effective communication, collaboration and setting a good example.
    Imposing decisions without consultation.
  • Q8
    What is the advantage of having diverse perspectives in a team?
    Decreased accountability and responsibility.
    Decreased productivity and communication barriers.
    Increased creativity and problem solving.
    Increased conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • Q9
    What is the significance of trust in a team?
    It fosters open communication, collaboration and a sense of safety.
    It leads to micromanagement.
    It leads to conflicts and competition.
    It discourages accountability and responsibility.
  • Q10
    What is the importance of accountability in a team?
    It encourages blame and excuses.
    It ensures that team members take ownership of their responsibilities and deliver results.
    It fosters apathy and lack of commitment.
    It leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.
  • Q11
    What is a cross-functional team?
    A team that only works on one specific task or project.
    A team composed of members from different departments or areas of expertise within a company.
    A team that works remotely from different locations.
    A team that is solely responsible for managing finances.
  • Q12
    What is a virtual team?
    A team that works remotely from different locations.
    A team that only works on one specific task or project.
    A team that is solely responsible for managing finances.
    A team composed of members from different departments or areas of expertise within a company.
  • Q13
    What is a self-managed team?
    A team that is solely responsible for managing finances.
    A team that only works on one specific task or project.
    A team that is responsible for managing and organizing their own work without a designated manager or leader.
    A team that works remotely from different locations.
  • Q14
    What is a project team?
    A team that only works on one specific task or project indefinitely.
    A team that is created for a specific project or task, and is disbanded once the project is completed.
    A team that is solely responsible for managing finances.
    A team composed of members from different departments or areas of expertise within a company.
  • Q15
    What is a functional team?
    A team that is solely responsible for managing finances.
    A team that only works on one specific task or project.
    A team composed of members from the same department or functional area of a company, such as the marketing or accounting department.
    A team that works remotely from different locations.

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