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Technical Drafting Q1 Practice Test

Quiz by Doodlethorn

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  • Q1

    It is a program intended to prepare students for post-secondary study in the fields of engineering, architecture, and some technical-vocational courses.

    Architectural Technology

    Technical Drawing


    Technical Drafting

  • Q2

    This the process of creating a proposed design's graphic representation and a method of delivering information with specifics and details.


    Technical Drafting

    Technical Drawing

    Architectural Technology

  • Q3

    This kind of design aims to display the architect's ideas with technical blueprints and depictions of design.

    Mechanical Design

    Engineering Design

    Architectural Design

    Architect's Design

  • Q4

    This design is all about presenting diagrams of tools and machinery.

    Architect's Design

    Architectural Design

    Engineering Design

    Mechanical Design

  • Q5

    This drawing pencil is used for providing lines of consistent width.

    Mechanical Pencil

    Medium Pencil

    Hard Pencil

    Soft Pencil

  • Q6

    What do you call the set of scales used to represent the regular proportions of a full/enlarged/reduced size of an object?

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  • Q7

                                            's Scales are used to represent the possible full/reduced/enlarged size of a regular object.

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  • Q8

    It is used to fasten the paper to the drawing board.

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  • Q9

    This is used to specify  details of an object on a drawing, or a detailed drawing, and keeps the uniformity based on factors such as line weight, spacing, and legible freehand.




    Enthropedic Process

  • Q10

    What does ISO stand for?

    International Organization for Standardzation

    International Organization for Standardization

    International Standard Organization

    Interracial Organization for Standardization

  • Q11

    This is a type of lettering where characters are compressed for them to fit in small spaces.

    Old English Lettering

    ISO Lettering

    Gothic Single Stroke

    Roman Lettering

  • Q12

    Originates from the Roman Empire, and is characterized by its serif. They are used in things such as logos, office letterheads, or old tablets.

    Gothic Single Stroke

    ISO Lettering

    Roman Lettering

    Old English Lettering

  • Q13

    Dates back to the Middle Ages and closely resembles the intricate and angular lettering found in medieval manuscripts. Mostly seen in diplomas or certificates.

    ISO Lettering

    Gothic Single Stroke

    Roman Lettering

    Old English Lettering

  • Q14

    Identical to ISO Lettering but instead uses a single stroke.

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  • Q15

    This is the small line in lettering attached to a larger stroke.

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