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Technology and Learning

Quiz by Christy Hayes

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    How can a 3rd grade teacher, with limited technology resources, help a student who struggles with multiplication?
    Using the classroom computer as a center, assign a specific website that provides extra practice in multiplication.
    Send the student to the Kindergarten class.
    Assign the student more homework than other students.
    Give the student a failing grade.
  • Q2
    According to the article, what is a benefit of student blogging?
    Students can share pictures of their pets.
    Students can invite other students to parties.
    Teacher can post grades.
    Students can explain a new concept. Teacher can check for understanding.
  • Q3
    What is a screencast?
    A tool that keeps the students from bothering the teacher
    A rigid compound used for broken bones
    A monitoring device for videoing problem students
    A short video recording that can be played back and viewed by students for the purpose of review or explanantion
  • Q4
    According to the article, one way integrate limited technology is to allow students to ___________.
    collaborate on a story.
    begin school earlier and leave later.
    take the classroom computer home on the weekends.
    play on the computer during lunch and PE.

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