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TEKS Social Studies Grade 8 - 8.12.B: Explain Reasons For The Plantation System, The Transatlantic Slave Trade, & The Spread Of Slavery

Quiz by TEKS Social Studies Grade 8

Grade 8
Social Studies
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

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11 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following was a major reason for the flow of the transatlantic slave trade shown on the map?
    Question Image
    The economic demands of the plantation system
    Increased western migration
    The construction needs of the railroad
    Increased textile manufacturing
    8.12.B: Social Studies - Economics
  • Q2
    What civic duty requires you to be impartial and not make decisions based on bias?
    join the military
    jury duty
    pay taxes
  • Q3
    How does this excerpt show the 10th amendment or federalism?
    Question Image
    It does not show the 10th amendment or federalism
    13 republics under one federal head shows that powers are shared between the state and federal government
    because it is the power to check other branches
  • Q4
    What document was drafted in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson
    Question Image
    Articles of Confederation
    Declaration of Independence
  • Q5
    The powers not delegated to the U.S. government.... are reserved for the states is an example f which principle of government
    Popular Sovereignty
    Limited Government
  • Q6
    Due Process guarantees a speedy trial, freedoms from unreasonable searches and seizures, and what else
    not quartering troops
    right to bear arms
    no cruel and unusual punishment
  • Q7
    Veto, impeach, or override are trigger words for which principle of the government?
    popular sovereignty
    checks and balances
  • Q8
    The first political parties developed because of disagreements on the extent of the federal power and how the country should develop economically
    Question Image
    George Washington and John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson an Alexander Hamilton
    Thomas Jefferson and George Washington
  • Q9
    What type of climate was in the middle colonies
  • Q10
    In George Washington's Farewell Address he warns the country to
    trade with France over Britain
    make heavy alliances
    steer clear (avoid) political parties and avoid permanent foreign alliance
  • Q11
    The Northwest Ordinance set out the process
    for admitting new states into the union
    how to amend the Constitution
    ratification of the Constitution

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