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TEKS Social Studies Grade 8 - Topic: 8.15-8.18 Government

Quiz by TEKS Social Studies Grade 8

Grade 8
Social Studies
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

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40 questions
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  • Q1
    The Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affected the lives of millions of African Americans by
    guaranteeing their freedom of speech
    guaranteeing their permanent freedom from slavery
    providing them with access to the court system
    providing them with voting rights
    8.16.B: Social Studies - Government
  • Q2
    The proclamation excerpted above was issued during which of these historical events?
    Question Image
    Shays’s Rebellion
    The War of 1812
    The Civil War
    The Nullification Crisis
    8.17.B: Social Studies - Government
  • Q3
    With which of the following arguments would the authors of The Federalist Papers most likely have agreed?
    Having a stronger central government will make the country more stable and prosperous.
    Universal suffrage should be constitutionally guaranteed.
    The Three-Fifths Compromise will result in fair and equal representation.
    A bill of rights should be included in the Constitution before it is ratified.
    8.15.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q4
    Which provision of the U.S. Constitution reflects this grievance?
    Question Image
    The commerce clause allows Congress to regulate trade among the states.
    Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both houses.
    The president can appoint justices with the advice and consent of the Senate.
    Congress has the power to establish federal courts.
    8.15.C: Social Studies - Government
  • Q5
    In 1832 the Supreme Court ruled that Georgia did not have legal authority over the Cherokees living in the state. President Andrew Jackson responded to this decision by —
    ignoring the ruling and allowing Georgia to evict the Cherokee Nation
    ordering state officials in Georgia to negotiate with the Cherokee Nation
    asking Congress to pay reparations to the Cherokee Nation
    filing another petition against the Cherokee Nation
    8.18.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q6
    The Constitution describes two ways to propose an amendment. Which of the following gives an example of one way?
    Three-fourths of state governors sign a petition in favor of proposing the amendment.
    The president officially requests that Congress propose the amendment.
    A majority of citizens vote in favor of proposing the amendment.
    Two-thirds of both congressional houses vote in favor of proposing the amendment.
    8.16.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q7
    The Articles of Confederation allowed each state only one vote in Congress. Which question reflects a major concern states had about this arrangement?
    Should states attempt to resolve conflicting claims to territory?
    Should more populous states receive greater representation?
    Should states change their procedure for selecting representatives?
    Should unanimous state approval for national laws be required?
    8.15.B: Social Studies - Government
  • Q8
    Those in favor of ratifying the Constitution would most likely respond to this concern by pointing out that —
    Question Image
    elected representatives are accountable to individual voters
    each branch of government can serve as a check on the other branches
    power is divided between the federal government and state governments
    courts have the right to resolve disputes between states
    8.17.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q9
    The decision in Marbury v. Madison was significant in U.S. history because it —
    upheld the power of the Electoral College to choose the vice president
    reinforced federal authority over American Indian affairs
    confirmed the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce
    established the practice of judicial review by the Supreme Court
    8.18.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q10
    Which constitutional issue was President Lincoln addressing in this excerpt?
    Question Image
    The legal ability of states to secede
    The power of states to organize militias
    The right of citizens to choose representatives
    The unalienable rights of citizens
    8.17.B: Social Studies - Government
  • Q11
    These headlines refer to the decision in which Supreme Court case?
    Question Image
    Gibbons v. Ogden
    Worcester v. Georgia
    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    McCulloch v. Maryland
    8.18.C: Social Studies - Government
  • Q12
    Which U.S. document guarantees protection against these injustices?
    Question Image
    The Articles of Confederation
    The Mayflower Compact
    The Constitution
    The Declaration of Independence
    8.15.A: Social Studies - Government
  • Q13
    This excerpt provides one example of which constitutional principle?
    Question Image
    Individual rights
    Popular sovereignty
    Checks and balances
    8.15.D: Social Studies - Government
  • Q14
    The Fifteenth Amendment was ratified in order to —
    protect the voting rights of African American men
    establish legal requirements for the education of former slaves
    mandate fair labor contracts between African American workers and plantation owners
    abolish the institution of slavery
    8.16.B: Social Studies - Government
  • Q15
    Which of these prompted Congress to propose the Fourteenth Amendment?
    The opposition by southern states to the Emancipation Proclamation
    The popular sovereignty provision in the Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The positions taken in the Know-Nothing Party platform
    The Black Codes enacted by southern states after the Civil War
    8.16.A: Social Studies - Government

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