TEKS US History High School - H.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
Quiz by TEKS US History High School
High School - U.S. History
Social Studies
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6 questions
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- Q1The demonstration described in this article was most likely prompted by -renewed diplomatic relations with communist Chinathe formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizationthe signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treatyescalated deployment of military forces to Vietnam60sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
- Q2How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam War affect the United States?Increased U.S. media presence overseas resulted in overwhelming international support for U.S. intervention.Live presidential press conferences led to a decline in partisan politics in Congress.Reporting on military setbacks contributed to public disillusionment with the war.Film footage from the front lines increased congressional support for the war.30sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
- Q3During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the Vietnam War resulted in -public support for an expanded military draftnational attention for a third-party presidential candidatemass demonstrations by groups protesting the warmandatory rationing of consumer goods60sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
- Q4The event described in this headline resulted in -increased support for the antiwar movementan end to federal investigations of student organizationsdecreased federal funding of student loansthe reinstatement of the draft60sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
- Q5Which of the following is the best title for this list?Protests Against the Vietnam WarDemands to Stop Dumping Chemical WasteSupport for Gender EqualityOpposition to the Arms Race60sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War
- Q6Which term completes this text box?Living-room warHawk mentalityFlexible responseCredibility gap30sH.8.F: Responses To Vietnam War