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TEST_08 (641-720)

Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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80 questions
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  • Q1
    wary (adj.)
    kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of / 은밀한
    small, insignificant / 사소한, 중요하지 않은
    hasty, superficial / 대충의
    distrustful and cautious / ~을 경계하는, ~을 조심하는
  • Q2
    idiosyncrasy (n.)
    a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform / 레퍼토리
    small action, usually signifying something / (뭔가를 나타내는) 작은 행동, 손짓, 몸짓
    a peculiar or distinctive characteristic / 특이점, 개성
    a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose / 기금
  • Q3
    default (n.)
    magnitude or seriousness (of something negative) / 심각성 (부정적)
    a container or vehicle used for holding or transporting something / 운반수단
    something that causes an important event to happen; (chemistry) a substance that accelerates a chemical reaction / 촉매, 촉매제
    failure to fulfill an obligation or perform a task / 기본 설정
  • Q4
    distort (v.)
    to alter, twist, or mutate out of shape (usually negative) / ~을 뒤틀리게 하다, ~을 왜곡하다
    to enter upon an activity or enterprise / ~하는 데 착수하다
    to limit; to cut short / ~을 제한하다; ~을 (예정보다 더 빠르게) 끝내다
    to include; to make a part of something / ~을 포함시키다; 전체에 일부를 포함시키다
  • Q5
    unresolved (adj.)
    1. loose 2. not strict enough / 1. 헐렁한 2. 느스한
    not yet solved / 해결되지 못한, 결정되지 못한
    combining well together and enhancing each other's qualities / 보완적인
    sociable, fond of company / 사교적인
  • Q6
    temperament (n.)
    the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge / 어휘
    a large meeting or assembly, usually for a specific purpose; the traditional method of doing something / 회의, 집회, 대회; 관행
    a complete failure, disaster / 대실패, 비극
    mood, personality / 기질, 성격
  • Q7
    reclusive (adj.)
    having the function of carrying out plans or orders; in government, referring to branch headed by the President (carries out national business) / 행정을 실행하는; 대통령의
    in good condition; reasonable / 상태가 좋은, 멀쩡한; 합리적인
    accepted as true or correct by most people / 1. 정통의 2. 주류의
    avoiding the company of other people; solitary / 은둔적인
  • Q8
    conviction (n.)
    physical strength and energy / 활기
    the state of not having something that people need / 박탈
    a complete change in form or nature / 변태
    strong, unshaken belief / 신념
  • Q9
    unprecedented (adj.)
    not hot and not cold / 미온적인
    not attractive; not persuasive or compelling / 매력없는, 호소력없는
    showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others / 자선의
    having no precedent; novel; never before seen / 전례가 없는, 전에 없던
  • Q10
    discredit (v.)
    to show to be different from others / ~와 다름을 보여주다
    something added to complete or enhance something else / 보충물/보충하다
    to cause to be distrusted or disbelieved / ~을 불신하게 하다; ~의 신빙성을 추락시키다
    to bind or compel morally or legally / 의무화하다
  • Q11
    tenet (n.)
    the quality or attribute of being unstable and irresolute; unreliability attributable to being unstable; an unstable order; a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium / 정서 불안정
    a principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy / 원칙
    showing or experience dissastisfaction / 불만족
    paths nerves, cells, or chemicals take to signal or reach each other in the body. / (화학적, 신경적 신호등이 전달이 되는) 경로
  • Q12
    reside (v.)
    have one's permanent home in a particular place / 거주하다
    to cut or carve into a surface / 새기다
    to gather, assemble / 소집하다
    to cause to move forward with force; give an incentive for action / ~을 몰고 가다; ~를 (앞으로 가도록) 밀다
  • Q13
    admonish (v.)
    to suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of something / 가정하다
    limited to do something (as a responsibility or duty) / ~해야 하는, 얽매인
    to turn (your eyes, gaze, etc.) away or aside / 외면하다
    to scold / 경고하다
  • Q14
    buttress (v.)
    to make changes to; to edit / ~을 수선하다; ~을 수정하다, ~의 어떤 점을 변경하다
    to support / 지지하다
    keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits / 한정하다
    to find out, to figure out / ~인지 확인하다, ~인지 알아내다
  • Q15
    accrue (v.)
    to take (something) away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules / 압수하다
    1. to look directly at someone in an angry way 2. to shine with a harsh, bright light / 1. 노려보다 2. 번쩍이다
    to accumulate or receive over time / 누적되다
    a record of a count or score; to count or record / 기록/계산하다

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