Quiz by EDUsmart by Alakiozoglou
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22 questions
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- Q1a picture of a rural scene / τοπίο (σε ζωγραφική)Users enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q2getting a better position in your carreer / προαγωγήUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q3looking worried or nervous / αγχωμένος, ανήσυχοςUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q4to walk decisively towards a place / βαδίζω αποφασιστικάUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q5to manage to move and pass through a difficult space / ελίσσομαι και περνάωUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q6a type of ground / έδαφοςUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q7a path / μονοπάτιUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q8(of a hillside) at a sharp angle / (για πλαγιά) απότομηUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q9not in the busiest period / περίοδος ύφεσηςUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q10very successful / πολύ επιτυχημένοςUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q11a mountainside / πλαγιάUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q12speed increase / επιτάχυνσηUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q13the rubbing of one surface against another / τριβήUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q14the fact that a tyre holds the ground safely / πρόσφυση, κράτημα ελαστικού στο δρόμοUsers enter free textType an Answer30s
- Q15(of a surface) not flat / (για επιφάνεια) ανώμαληUsers enter free textType an Answer30s