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  • Q1
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “It is when one sleeps that the brain strengthens the neural pathways that cement the learning that took place that day. Our research finds that students who experience exhaustion are also more likely to report other mental and physical health problems, such as depression and headaches. “
    Claim: Students need to take naps in the day to have energy.
    Claim: Students who are depressed are often getting too much sleep.
    Claim: Students need more sleep.
    Claim: Students learn the best when they have 12 hours of sleep.
  • Q2
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “A 2012 study on rats, conducted by researchers at UCLA, found that a diet high in fructose (that’s just another word for sugar) hinders learning and memory by literally slowing down the brain. The researchers found that rats who over-consumed fructose had damaged synaptic activity in the brain, meaning that communication among brain cells was impaired.”
    Claim: Sugar in moderation is okay for your health.
    Claim: Rats who consumed fructose repaired synaptic activity in the brain.
    Claim: Fructose is shown to help energize brain activity.
    Claim: Sugar negatively affects the brain.
  • Q3
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: ”A study conducted by The University of Gothenburg in Sweden surveyed 335 men and 676 women (average age 32) to help determine the link between self esteem and Facebook usage. A significant negative relationship between the two was uncovered (as Facebook interaction increased, self esteem decreased).”
    Claim: Facebook causes emotional distress.
    Claim: Facebook should only be used by adults.
    Claim: Facebook should be banned in schools.
    Claim: Facebook causes emotional happiness.
  • Q4
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “If you watch mammals or even birds, you will see how they respond to the world. They play. They act frightened when there’s danger. They relax when things are good. It seems illogical for us to think that animals might not be having a conscious mental experience of play, sleep, fear or love. “
    Claim: Animals do not have feelings.
    Claim: Animals are better than humans.
    Claim: Animals have feelings.
    Claim: Therapy animals should be in all schools.
  • Q5
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “The impact of art, music, and writing can be seen in your physical body as well. In fact, this study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine used writing as a treatment for HIV patients found that writing resulted in “improvements of CD4+ lymphocyte counts. That’s the fancy way of saying: the act of writing actually impacted the cells inside the patient’s body and improved their immune system.”
    Claim: The impact of art can only be seen in someone's mental health.
    Claim: Art can only help HIV patients.
    Claim: Art can improve health.
    Claim: Studies have found that artists rarely become sick.
  • Q6
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “Similarly, of the 685 teachers surveyed in the Common Sense project, 71 percent said they thought technology was hurting attention span “somewhat” or “a lot.” About 60 percent said it hindered students’ ability to write and communicate face to face, and almost half said it hurt critical thinking and their ability to do homework.”
    Claim: Most students use technology to help their education.
    Claim: The use of technology has helped students become critical thinkers and problem solvers.
    Claim: Technology serves as a useful tool for student learning.
    Claim: Technology is negatively impacting student learning.
  • Q7
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “Dr. Atkinson said: ‘Young people are a school's customers, and they see lots of different teaching styles over the course of a school career. Our research shows that they understand teaching is a challenging job which requires a wide range of skills from teachers--it is not just about their academic qualifications or how loudly they can shout. She said it made sense to make use of this experience when recruiting staff. With the proper training and support, pupils can bring a different, and valuable, point of view to the table.’ "
    Claim: Students want fun teachers.
    Claim: Students will have many different teachers in their life.
    Claim: Students learn in many different ways.
    Claim: Students should be involved in hiring teachers.
  • Q8
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “The research quite clearly shows that kids who are graded and have been encouraged to try to improve their grades tend to lose interest in the learning itself, avoid challenging tasks whenever possible (in order to maximize the chance of getting an A), and think less deeply than kids who aren’t graded,” Kohn explains. “The problem isn’t with how we grade, nor is it limited to students who do especially well or poorly in school; it’s inherent to grading.”
    Claim: Grades should be eliminated from schools.
    Claim: Schools should grade based on a student's effort not ability.
    Claim: If a student receives an 'F,' he/she will become depressed.
    Claim: Students will do anything for an 'A.'
  • Q9
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “A growing mountain of national data suggests that punitive discipline that removes kids from school leads to lower graduation rates. No surprise. Students who mouth off to teachers, or fight, or cut class are typically the least engaged in classwork. Sending them home without any sort of tutoring or oversight guarantees that they will be further behind upon return, which means discipline aimed at punishment actually appears to push kids toward failure, even for minor offenses.”
    Claim: Schools should offer tutoring to students who are suspended.
    Claim: Schools should not punish any student.
    Claim: Schools should only use ISS as punishment.
    Claim: Schools should not use suspension as punishment.
  • Q10
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “Overall, year round schooling seems to show a slight advantage academically to students enrolled, but the numbers of students are not high enough to really get a good read on it at this point. What does seem clear, however, is that at risk students do fare better without a long summer break, and other students are not harmed by the year round schedule.”
    Claim: Year round schools perform better than schools that are not year round.
    Claim: Year round school is beneficial for students.
    Claim: Year round schools allow students to have more breaks.
    Claim: Year round schools have higher test scores than non year round schools.
  • Q11
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “The United States’ over indulgence in meat is not only bad news for our health, but also for our planet, not to mention the animals themselves. A new study out last week put it even more bluntly: if we ate less meat and more fruits and vegetables, we could save millions of lives thanks largely to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions associated with livestock production.”
    Claim: Vegetarians live longer than meat eaters.
    Claim Eating more meat can improve the planet.
    Claim: Eating less meat can improve the environment.
    Claim: Everyone should stop eating meat.
  • Q12
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “Reaction to the mandatory homework policy and study halls has surprised Chambers. Many students have been very positive about the program; they seem to like the added incentive to complete their homework. The average GPA increased immediately by almost half of a grade point, and even the performance of the honor students improved. We didn't consider the fact that honor students don't always do their homework," he said. "When all students began to do their homework, our honor roll went from 32 percent of the student body to more than 50 percent."
    Claim: Study hall benefits increases achievement.
    Claim: Study hall only helps certain students.
    Claim: Students do not use study hall wisely.
    Claim: Many students dislike study hall.
  • Q13
    The following piece of evidence supports which claim? Evidence: “It is when one sleeps that the brain strengthens the neural pathways that cement the learning that took place that day. Our research finds that students who experience exhaustion are also more likely to report other mental and physical health problems, such as depression and headaches. “
    Claim: Students learn the best when they have 12 hours of sleep.
    Claim: Students who are depressed are often getting too much sleep.
    Claim: Students need more sleep.
    Claim: Students need to take naps in the day to have energy.

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