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The 1972 Andes Flight Disaster

Quiz by Ruzic

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7 questions
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  • Q1
    PART A: In paragraph 1, inclement probably means:
  • Q2
    Which phrase best provides support for the answer to Part A?
    "halfway there"
    "not improving"
    "overnight stay"
    "mountain range"
  • Q3
    Based on the information in paragraph 3, the reader can conclude:
    The group of survivors named the peak “Glacier of Tears” while they were stranded on the mountain.
    Most of the damage to the fuselage was caused by wind, sleet, and hail.
    Those who survived the crash were not inside the fuselage.
    The peak was named “Glacier of Tears” to commemorate the crash victims.
  • Q4
    Based on the section “Early Days,” the reader can infer:
    Those who died shortly after the crash died because they lacked proper clothing and supplies.
    Those who died shortly after the crash died of starvation.
    Those who died shortly after the crash died of serious injuries.
    Those who died shortly after the crash fell out of the fuselage while it was in the air.
  • Q5
    Why did the author include paragraph 6 (“Upon hearing the news…”)?
    To make the people in the search party feel guilty for abandoning their search.
    To demonstrate why Gustavo Nicolich was elected the official leader of the group.
    To show that the survivors should not be ridiculed for resorting to cannibalism to survive.
    To reveal how the survivors of the crash relied on each other for moral support.
  • Q6
    What is the author’s likely purpose for italicizing the word “how” in paragraph 8?
    To instruct readers to emphasize that word and read it more loudly and with greater expression
    To suggest that some people suspect the survivors might have purposely killed others in order to eat them.
    To ask a question that the author will seek to find the answer to later on in the article.
    To imply that many people believe that those who did not survive died of starvation and exposure.
  • Q7
    What is the author’s likely purpose for including a quote from Nando Parrado’s book, "Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home in paragraph 7"?
    To demonstrate the qualities of a leader.
    To explain why Parrado chose not to engage in cannibalism
    To prove that the survivors were not justified in their actions and committed a horrible crime.
    To emphasize how dire their situation was and rationalize their decision to eat human flesh.

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