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The Akkadian Empire

Quiz by Lisa Russo (HD)

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Where did the Akkadians come from?
    Northern Mesopotamia
    Northern Minnesota
  • Q2
    Who was the most famous Akkadian king?
    King Hammurabi
    Burger King
    King Tut
    King Sargon
  • Q3
    What did Sargon use to conquer Sumer?
    iron weapons
    A large army
    Strong soldiers
    Strong military skills and good political strategies
  • Q4
    What military strategy brought Sargon victory in battle?
    tight formations; those in front stood behind shields
    tight uniforms, lots of shields
    large army, lots of weapons
    large formations ; iron weapons
  • Q5
    What was Sargon's greatest achievement?
    He created world's first empire.
    He trained a professional army
    He united the city-states
    He created irrigation systems.
  • Q6
    What political strategy did Sargon use to keep control over his empire?
    He destroyed the walls around the city-states .
    He destroyed their farms.
    He created natural barriers.
    He destroyed their levees and dams.
  • Q7
    What was one of the Akkadians' cultural achievements?
    they created jewelry
    they opened a museum
    They created steles
    they built temples
  • Q8
    What is this a picture of?
    Question Image
    taking care of the laws
    stone that tells stories
    what you do in baseball
  • Q9
    What cultural practices did the Akkadians borrow from the Sumerians?
    stable food supply, inventions
    cuneiform writing, irrigation system, religion
    farming, irrigation systems
  • Q10
    How long did Sargon hope his empire would continue? How long did it last?
    250 years, 400 years
    He hoped it would continue forever.
    1000 years, 200 years
    from 2300 BCE-2200 BCE

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