The Babylonian Empire
Quiz by Lisa Russo (HD)
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12 questions
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- Q1Who was the most famous ruler of the Babylonians?Alexander the GreatHammurabiKing SargonKing Babylonia30s
- Q2How did the Babylonian empire come to power?He rebuilt the city-states' walls to create the Babylonian EmpireHe conquered the Akkadians to create the Babylonian EmpireHe promised to take care of the Sumerians, so they could become the Babylonian EmpireHammurabi united all the city-states to create the Babylonian Empire30s
- Q3How did Hammurabi improve the economy of Babylon?He made the slaves work harder.He made trade an important feature of life there.He brought money to Babylon.He sold artwork in Babylon.30s
- Q4In Babylon, what kinds of rights did slaves have?they could work for money, own property, buy their freedomthey could rent a house, own a slave, have childrenthey could get married, have their own slaves, buy a chariotthey could buy their freedom, get married, own a farm30s
- Q5How did Hammurabi improve agriculture in Babylon?He built new farms.He kept the irrigation systems working properly.He planted more crops.He built better and newer roads.30s
- Q6What is being shown on this stele?Hammurabi is receiving information about the god.Hammurabi is receiving the Code of LawsHammurabi is worshiping the god Marduk.The King is asking the god for help.30s
- Q7Why did Hammurabi create the code of laws?The people asked him to do that.To show the last king how to run a country.To bring order to the cityThe gods told Hammurabi to do that.30s
- Q8How did the Babylonian empire fall?The Assyrians took over MesopotamiaThe laws were no longer followed.The King died.The walls came down.30s
- Q9Hammurabi started out as aan Amorite Princea Burger PrincePrince Alian Akkadian Prince30s
- Q10What improvements did Hammurabi's reign bring to the people?built roads, built a postal service, improved irrigation30s
- Q11Hammurabi is best-known forhis system of roadshis military strengththe Hanging Gardens of Babylonhis code of laws30s
- Q12What made the Babylonian society unique in its time?There were no class differencesWomen and slaves had some rightsThere were no unpaid laborersParents arranged their daughters' marriages30s