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The Battle of Vicksburg (3-2)

Quiz by Steven Jones

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which year did the Battle of Vicksburg take place?
  • Q2
    Who was the Union general that led the campaign to capture Vicksburg?
    William T. Sherman
    George B. McClellan
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ambrose Burnside
  • Q3
    What was the key Confederate stronghold that guarded the Mississippi River at Vicksburg?
    Fort Donelson
    Fortress Vicksburg
    Fort Henry
    Fort Pillow
  • Q4
    Which Confederate general was in command of Vicksburg's defenses?
    Robert E. Lee
    John C. Pemberton
    James Longstreet
    Albert Sidney Johnston
  • Q5
    What was the name of the canal that Union troops attempted to dig as part of their siege of Vicksburg?
    The Tennessee Canal
    The Red River Canal
    The Yazoo Pass Canal
    The Mississippi Canal
  • Q6
    Which Union general launched a diversionary attack against Vicksburg in Louisiana?
    Benjamin Butler
    David Farragut
    John McClernand
    Nathaniel Banks
  • Q7
    What was the name of the Confederate river defense fleet at Vicksburg?
    The Ironclad Squadron
    The River Defense Fleet
    The Mississippi Flotilla
    The Navy of the West
  • Q8
    What was the name of the Union admiral who ran his fleet past the Vicksburg batteries?
    Louis Goldsborough
    David Dixon Porter
    Andrew Hull Foote
    David Farragut
  • Q9
    How long did the siege of Vicksburg last?
    33 days
    75 days
    62 days
    47 days
  • Q10
    What famous quote did Ulysses S. Grant make after the capture of Vicksburg?
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours."
    "This has been a costly victory, yet a magnificent one."
    "The enemy is now virtually in our power, and I should therefore like to make a proposition to you to surrender."
    "I regret to say that we have again been defeated in battle."

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