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The benefits of a bilingual brain

Quiz by Greg Holloway

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    Language ability is typically measured in what parts?
    Pronunciation and sentence structure
    Accent, speed and spelling
    Talking, writing, listening and reading
    Size of vocabulary
  • Q2
    A person who learns Spanish and English at the same time from childhood onward would be considered which type of bilingual?
    Coordinate bilingual
    Compound bilingual
    Subordinate bilingual
    All of the above
  • Q3
    Having a bilingual brain delays the beginning of certain diseases such as...
    Alzheimers and dementia.
    A headache and running nose
    A cold or flu
    Lateness and Forgetfulness
  • Q4
    What was the common perception of bilingualism before the 1960’s?
    Before the 1960s bilingualism was considered a hard thing to learn.
    Before the 1860s bilingualism was considered a handicap.
    Before the 1960s bilingualism was considered a handicap.
    Before the 1960s bilingualism was considered a handy skill.

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