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The byzantine empire

Quiz by Gabriel Smith

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Which emperor is considered to be the founder of the Byzantine Empire?
    Alexander the Great
    Constantine the Great
    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Julius Caesar
  • Q2
    Which famous church, located in Constantinople, was commissioned by Emperor Justinian I?
    Westminster Abbey
    Hagia Sophia
    St. Peter's Basilica
    Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Q3
    Which Byzantine emperor is known for codifying Roman law into the Corpus Juris Civilis?
    Justinian I
  • Q4
    Who was the Byzantine Emperor responsible for creating the Justinian's Code?
    Constantine I
    Justinian I
  • Q5
    What was the purpose of Justinian's Code?
    To expand the Byzantine Empire
    To consolidate and simplify Roman laws
    To increase taxes
    To promote religious tolerance
  • Q6
    Which Roman legal code served as a basis for Justinian's Code?
    The Code of Hammurabi
    The Magna Carta
    The Ten Commandments
    The Twelve Tables
  • Q7
    What was the main purpose of Justinian's Code in the Byzantine Empire?
    To promote trade and commerce
    To convert people to Christianity
    To bring order and consistency to the legal system
    To increase military conquests
  • Q8
    Which two continents does the Bosporous Strait separate?
    Europe and Asia
    Australia and Antarctica
    Africa and Asia
    North America and South America
  • Q9
    What historical empire controlled the Bosporous Strait during its peak?
    Roman Empire
    Ottoman Empire
    Byzantine Empire
    Mongol Empire
  • Q10
    What bodies of water does the Bosporous Strait connect?
    Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
    Black Sea and Sea of Marmara
    Mediterranean Sea and Adriatic Sea
    Red Sea and Persian Gulf

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