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The differences between Del and Viv

Quiz by Oak National Academy: GCSE English AQA

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    At the end of 'Leave Taking', what happens to the character of Viv?
    She moves in with Mai.
    She moves in with Brod after Enid throws them both out.
    She goes to university.
    She goes on a gap year despite Enid's protestations.
    She moves in with Del to support with the baby.
  • Q2
    At the end of 'Leave Taking', what happens to the character of Del?
    She becomes an obeah woman.
    She has her baby.
    She moves back in with Enid.
    She fights with Enid.
    She uses the money Viv gives her to start a new life.
  • Q3
    Each of these scenes from 'Leave Taking' includes either Del or Viv, or both. Match the scenes to their plot points.
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  • Q4
    In Scene Four of 'Leave Taking', Viv expresses frustration that she spends "my life bent over books that have nothing to do with ..."
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  • Q5
    In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Mai reads Del's palm and gives an insight into her experiences with formal education. Mai says, "The teachers say you ______, so you give up."
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  • Q6
    In Scene Five of 'Leave Taking', Mai reads Del's palm and gives an insight into her experiences with formal education. Mai says, "You have a ______ for books."
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