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The Great War

Quiz by Michelle Andersen

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  • Q1

    Which of the following describes American trade policy during the early years of the war?

    The United States refused to trade with any of the belligerent nations.

    The United States was officially neutral but its trade policies mostly helped Britain and France.

    The United States observed a policy of neutrality and traded equally with both sides.

    The United States offered loans to Germany to buy American goods but gave goods to Britain and France.

  • Q2

    Which statement summarizes ordinary Americans' attitude toward the war in Europe?

    They wanted the U.S. to fight on the side of the Allies.

    They wanted the U.S. to fight on the side of the Central Powers.

    They felt that the war was none of their business.

    They worried that the war would hurt trade and business.

  • Q3

    Which statement explains why a German submarine sunk the Lusitania?

    Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.

    The German commander mistook it for a warship.

    Germany wanted to draw the U.S. into the war.

    Germany had warned Americans not to travel on British ships.

  • Q4

    Which of these events happened last? 

    Russia mobilized its army to support Serbia.

    Austria-Hungary sought Germany's support against Serbia.

    France refused Germany's request to remain neutral.

    Germany declared war against Russia.

  • Q5

    Which of the following is attributed to countries who raced to build up their navies after 1900?

    nationalism, as all nations took pride in the strength of their armed forces

    competition, as both nations were steel producers

    imperialism, as sea power was the key to conquering new territories

    militarism, as Britain was the world's dominant naval power and Germany was anxious to catch up

  • Q6

    What event was the catalyst (starting point) for the Great War?

    Naval build-up

    The Zimmerman Note

    The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian Nationalists

    Submarine Warfare

  • Q7

    What is the best definition of Nationalism?

    The belief that all nations should come together in peace

    The belief that one's country and culture are superior to all others

    The belief that all countries of the world should stay out of the affairs of the others

    The belief that one's nation should conquer others

  • Q8

    "They joined the war effort on the side of the Allies because they thought it would bring them independence after the war." What nation or people does this sentence describe?

    China and Japan

    The Soviet Union

    African countries colonized by European 

    Cuba and the Philippines

  • Q9

    Why did the "Zimmermann telegram" turn many Americans against Germany?

    It tried to persuade Americans of German descent to fight against the United States.

    It declared that Germany would go on sinking American ships.

    It showed that Germany thought of the U.S. as a weak nation.

    It offered German assistance to Mexico in reconquering the American Southwest.

  • Q10

    Why did most Irish Americans favor neutrality? 

    Ireland did not take sides in the war.

    They had a long-standing hostility toward Britain.

    They were afraid for their relatives in Ireland.

    They had a long-standing friendship with Germany.


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