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The hurricane and the first affair

Quiz by Oak National Academy: KS3 English (2)

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    In 'Small Island', who is caught kissing "passionately" in the schoolhouse?
    Mrs Ryder and Michael
    Michael and Hortense
    Mr Philip and Stella
    Miss Ma and Mr Ryder
  • Q2
    In 'Small Island', the stage directions describe "Jamaica bracing itself for a strong hurricane". What is this an example of?
  • Q3
    At the start of 'Small Island', Mrs Ryder is describing the effects of the hurricane. Complete the quote: "Oh, look how the trees are starting to sway! Why it's as if they are ______!"
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  • Q4
    In 'Small Island', Michael says he is leaving for England to join what?
    the RAF
    the Navy
    the Army
    the Ministry of Defence
  • Q5
    In 'Small Island', what happens to Mr Ryder in Act 1 Scene 1?
    He witnesses Michael and Mrs Ryder kissing.
    He dies of a heart attack.
    He is injured in the hurricane looking for Mrs Ryder.
    His car hits a tree and he dies.
  • Q6
    Match the character from 'Small Island' to the quotes from Act 1 Scene 1.
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