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The Mouse and the Motorcycle- Chapters 7-8

Quiz by Bruce Keizer

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13 questions
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  • Q1
    What is the deadly hungry machine?
    motorcycle engine
    vacuum cleaner
    lawn mower
  • Q2
    How did Ralph save himself from being sucked up?
    He went under the bed.
    He hung onto the motorcycle.
    He jumped up into the window seal.
    He told Keith to put him in his bag.
  • Q3
    Why didn't the mice hear Ralph's cries?
    They were singing and the vacuum was noisy.
    They couldn't hear anything because the children in the hallway were noisy.
    They were building something in their fort.
    The mice were busy trying to make holes in the walls to make their home bigger.
  • Q4
    When did Ralph feel safe from the vacuum cleaner?
    He felt safe when he was behind the television.
    He felt safe when he was in the wastebasket.
    He felt safe when he was sitting on the motorcycle.
    He felt safe when he was in his home.
  • Q5
    Why does Ralph break his promise to not ride the motorcycle during the day?
    It was his duty to figure out what was going on.
    He had to help his family out.
    He accidentally woke up at the wrong time.
    It was an experiment.
  • Q6
    Who rescued Ralph from the terrier?
    the maid
    Mr. and Mrs. Gridley
    Its' owner
  • Q7
    How did Ralph end up in the linen room?
    Ralph's family
    Mr. Gridley
    the maid
  • Q8
    How does Ralph decide to save his life?
    He hides the motorcycle.
    He goes back to his home.
    He abandons the motorcycle.
    He runs away.
  • Q9
    Why did Ralph's mother want him to wake up?
    His parents were going to give him a gift.
    Room service had brought a feast.
    He was going to get this motorcycle back.
    They were going to go out into the hallway with their family.
  • Q10
    Why did all of their family come?
    birthday party
    family reunion
  • Q11
    Why did Keith give Ralph half a ping-pong ball?
    for protection to throw at people if they try get him
    for a booster seat for the motorcycle
    for a toy
    for a crash helmet
  • Q12
    What did Ralph confess to Keith?
    He lost the motorcycle.
    He lost Keith's special items in his luggage.
    He told his parents that it was Keith's fault.
    He damaged his clothes and bedroom.
  • Q13
    How did Keith hurt Ralph's feelings?
    He told Ralph to go back into his home and never come out.
    He told his parents about Ralph.
    He put Ralph back into the wastebasket.
    He stated that Ralph couldn't be trusted.

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