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The Necklace Story

Quiz by James Nelson

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16 questions
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  • Q1

    What does Mathilde love most? 

    Her lifestyle 

    Clothes and jewels 

    Her family 

    Her husband and home 

  • Q2

    Mathilde falls into which social class? 

    Middle class 


    Upper class 

    Lower class

  • Q3

    Why does Mathilde get sad every time she visits her friend? 

    Her friend is very sick 

    They aren't as close as they used to be 

    She feels sorry for her friend 

    Because her friend is rich and she isn't 

  • Q4

    What is inside the envelope that her husband receives from work? 


    A letter stating that her husband has received a promotion

    A letter stating that her husband has lost his job 

    An invitation to a party thrown by the government

  • Q5

    Why is Mathilde sad after receiving the dress? 

    The dress is too small 

    She has no jewels to go with the dress

    She doesn't like the color of the dress

    She accidentally ripped the dress

  • Q6

    Why does Mathilde cry in the mirror after the party when she looks at herself? 

    She realizes the necklace is missing

    She is sad that the evening is over

    She thinks she looks ugly 

    She thinks she looks old 

  • Q7

    Why does Mathilde refuse to go to the party? 

    She doesn't want to be around people 

    She gets nervous at large parties 

    She doesn't feel well

    She doesn't have an expensive looking dress to wear 

  • Q8

    How many years does it take the Loisels to pay off the necklace? 

    10 years 

    12 years 

    15 years

    7 years 

  • Q9

    How does Mathilde's husband change her mind about going to the party? 

    He tells her that she will look beautiful in any dress she wears 

    He gives her money to buy a new dress

    He tells her that all the important people in Paris will be there

    He tells her that they will go to an expensive dinner before the party 

  • Q10

    What does Mathilde's husband suggest she do about jewels? 

    Go buy jewels 

    Borrow some jewels from her friend 

    Wear jewels that she already has 

    Rent jewels from a local jeweler 

  • Q11

    What type of jewel does Mathilde borrow from her friend? 

    A pearl necklace 

    A ruby necklace 

    A bracelet 

    A diamond necklace 

  • Q12

    Why does Mathilde hurry away after the party was over? 

    She doesn't feel like she belonged at the party 

    She doesn't want people to see her drab coat

    She was incredibly tired and wanted to go to bed 

    She got into a fight with another man's wife 

  • Q13

    How much does it cost to replace the necklace? 

    Around $1000

    Around $20,000

    Around $1,000,000

    Around $7,000

  • Q14

    How much does the necklace actually cost? 





  • Q15

    How does Mathilde and her husband's lives change after replacing the necklace? 

    They had to live on the streets 

    Nothing changed 

    Husband has to work evenings and nights; they had to downsize to an apartment

    Mathilde had to go out and get a job 


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