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The Preamble

Quiz by Carter

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    Serves as an introduction to the U.S. Constitution and establishes the goals and purposes of government.
    The Declaration of Independence
    The Preamble
    The Magna Carta
    The Bill of Rights
  • Q2
    Means that government depends on the people for its power and exists to serve them.
    establish justice
    insure domestic tranquility
    form a more perfect union
    We the People
  • Q3
    The new government should be better united than it was under the Article of Confederation.
    promote the general welfare
    provide for the common defense
    insure domestic tranquility
    form a more perfect union
  • Q4
    The government should make laws and establish a system of courts that is fair to all. Punish all crimes fairly.
    insure domestic tranquility
    establish justice
    secure the blessings of liberty
    promote the general welfare
  • Q5
    The government should preserve peace and calm within the country.
    provide for the common defense
    establish justice
    form a more perfect union
    insure domestic tranquility
  • Q6
    The government should work to protect the country from its enemies.
    provide for the common defense
    form a more perfect union
    promote the general welfare
    secure the blessings of liberty
  • Q7
    The government should help provide for the well-being of all the people.
    promote the general welfare
    to ourselves and our posterity
    provide for the common defense
    secure the blessings of liberty
  • Q8
    The government should work to safeguard the freedom people have.
    secure the blessings of liberty
    promote the general welfare
    insure domestic tranquility
    establish justice
  • Q9
    The government should maintain these goals for the present and all future generations.
    to ourselves and our posterity
    provide for the common defense
    insure domestic tranquility
    secure the blessings of liberty
  • Q10
    Government is based on the consent of the governed
    Government depends on the people for its power and exists to serve them
    People depend on the government for its power and exists to serve it

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