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The Prologue from The Canterbury Tales

Quiz by Rebecca Hubbs

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18 questions
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  • Q1
    Which of the following ideas is expressed most clearly in the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales?
    the conflicts inherent in society
    the infinite variety of human nature
    the basic evil of mankind
    the pitfalls of sensual pleasure
  • Q2
    Which of the following best describes the Nun (the Prioress) in the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales?
    well educated and wise
    strong and outspoken
    friendly and fun loving
    refined and sentimental
  • Q3
    What brings the characters together in the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales?
    They are all members of the Knight's entourage.
    They are escaping religious oppression in England.
    They all make their living through work for the church.
    They are making a religious journey to a cathedral.
  • Q4
    In the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales, which qualities of the Monk are most uncharacteristic of a typical monk? Choose three options
    his fur-lined sleeves, his stable of horses, his fine jewelry
    his frequent prayers
    his personable nature
    his bald head
  • Q5
    What directive does the Host give the travelers at the end of the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales?
    He asks them to say a prayer for him.
    He urges them to tell stories on the trip.
    He encourages them to pay for each other's dinners.
    He asks them to judge the tale he is about to tell.
  • Q6
    If an author can correctly be described as eminent, which of the following is most likely to be true?
    She writes exclusively for adults.
    She has been writing for many years.
    She writes works that many people find shocking.
    She has published several distinguished books.
  • Q7
    Which of the following sentences best describes someone who is being discreet?
    At lunch, Oscar wondered aloud whether Petra and Quinn were dating.
    Jacob decided to post his favorite holiday photos online.
    Michael closed his office door to take the call from Chandra.
    Kylie mentioned to her mother the news of Lara's engagement.
  • Q8
    What is the best reason to choose a project partner who is known to be diligent?
    His creativity will help the project succeed.
    He will work hard and well on his tasks.
    He will keep the project from occupying too much time.
    His flair for the dramatic will keep you amused.
  • Q9
    What can the reader infer most clearly about the Friar from these lines from the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales? For though a widow mightn't have a shoe, So pleasant was his holy how-d'ye-do He got his farthing from her just the same Before he left, and so his income came To more than he laid out.
    He helps others make money.
    He uses people for money
    He is pious but also friendly.
    He has aspirations to be a merchant.
  • Q10
    What do the following lines from the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales suggest most clearly about the woman from Bath? In all the parish not a dame dared stir Towards the altar steps in front of her, And if indeed they did, so wrath was she As to be quite put out of charity.
    She is selfish and arrogant
    She is a religious fanatic.
    She abhors the Christian church.
    She disdains the company of women.
  • Q11
    What is the best summary of the following lines from the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales, which describe the Oxford Cleric? Whatever money from his friends he took He spent on learning or another book And prayed for them most earnestly, returning Thanks to them thus for paying for his learning.
    Whatever money he could get from his friends he spent of his studies and books, and then he prayed for his books and remained in debt to his friends for paying for his learning.
    Whatever money he borrowed from his friends he spent on his studies and books, and then he prayed earnestly for his friends as a way of showing his gratitude.
    He stole his friends' money, spent it on books, and then prayed that his friends would forgive him.
    Whatever money he borrowed from his friends he spent on his studies and books, and then he prayed for more books and sent his friends notes of appreciation for their help.
  • Q12
    Which of the following quotations from the Prologue from The Canterbury Tales is the best example of direct characterization?
    He was an honest worker, good and true....
    Children were afraid when he appeared....
    His mighty mouth was like a furnace door.
    He wore a fustian tunic stained and dark....
  • Q13
    Which is the best definition of the Latin suffix -able in this context? Emilia hopes that her new sweater is washable.
    pertaining to
    worthy of being
    having a certain quality.
    capable of being
  • Q14
    In which of the following words does the Latin suffix -able most likely mean "worthy of being"?
  • Q15
    How many syllables appear in each line of a heroic couplet?

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