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The Scarlet Letter Ch. 16-21

Quiz by Hannah Moore

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5 questions
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  • Q1
    In chapter 16 as Hester and Pearl are walking through the forest, the light seems to?
    change color
    fade as the pair gets closer to Dimmesdale
    Run away from Hester and shine on Pearl
    shine on the A
  • Q2
    In the beginning of chapter 16, what does Pearl believe about Hester's A?
    It is unsightly.
    Hester should change the color
    Pearl will get one when she's older
    It makes Hester strong.
  • Q3
    When Peal asks Hester if she has meet the Black Man Hester responds?
    Yes and I have signed the book.
    Yes and the Scarlet Letter is his mark.
    No, stop being rude.
    It is who they are going to meet.
  • Q4
    The brook is described as
    soft and calming
    sad and dreary
    agonizingly slow
    lively and strong
  • Q5
    When Hester sees Dimmesdale, he looks
    sickly and weak
    invigorated and joyful
    like he has been robbed

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