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The strongest one 1

Quiz by Khitam Mohamad

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4 questions
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  • Q1
    Little Red Ant wants to find out who is the strongest so he can —
    Fight the strongest one
    Learn to be stronger
    Stay near the strongest one
  • Q2
    Why is Wind stronger than Sun?
    Wind moves Sun around.
    Wind covers Sun’s face with clouds.
    Wind breaks Sun into pieces.
  • Q3
    Who is stronger than Big Rock?
    Little Red Ant, who can take pieces away.
    Arrow, who can strike it.
    Deer, who can climb on top of it.
  • Q4
    Which of these gives the best summary of what Little Red Ant does in this story?
    He waits in his hole to ask Sand, “Who is strongest of all?”
    He goes out and asks other characters, “Who is strongest

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