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The Tempest Quiz

Quiz by Brenda Davidson

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36 questions
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  • Q1
    See image
    Prospero's brother Antonio and Alonso, the King of Naples, conspired and overthrew
  • Q2
    How did Prospero and Miranda come to live on the island?
    Prospero. Prospero and his daughter Miranda, were cast out. Gonzalo, the nobleman assigned to set them off, felt sorry for them and packed their boat with provisions. The boat was later cast upon the island.
  • Q3
    Which of the following statements does not describe Caliban
    He is highly intelligent, although he doesn't show it.
  • Q4
    Who says the following lines, and who is being spoken about? "They are both in either's powers. But this is swift business/ I must uneasy make, lest too light winning/Make light the prize."
    Prospero is talking about Ferdinand and Miranda.
  • Q5
    What do Antonio and Sebastian do while the others sleep?
    They plot to kill Alonso.
  • Q6
    True or False: Caliban meets Stephano and Trinculo in the woods, and mistakes Stephano for a god. Thinking Stephano will be able to defeat Prospero, and being disenchanted with Prospero, he decides to side with Stephano.
  • Q7
    What do Ferdinand and Miranda decide to do in Scene One?
    They decide to get married.
  • Q8
    See image
    He wants to kill Prospero while he sleeps so Stephano and Miranda can be King and
  • Q9
    What does Caliban want to do with Stephano and Trinculo while Prospero naps in the afternoon and why?
    Queen of the island with Caliban and Trinculo as lords.
  • Q10
    See image
    Prospero shows them a feast and then makes it disappear. Ariel reminds them of their
  • Q11
    What tricks do Prospero and Ariel play on Alonso's group?
    sins, their injustices towards Prospero.
  • Q12
    For what purpose did Prospero produce the spirits to play Iris, Ceres, and Juno?
    He wanted them to entertain at a celebration he had planned.
  • Q13
    What are Prospero and Ariel talking about in the following quotes: "That if you now beheld them, your affections/Would become tender." "The rarer action is/In virtue than in vengeance."
    Ariel thinks Prospero should release the king's group.
  • Q14
    Who says "Let us not burden our remembrances with/A heaviness that's gone."?
    Prospero says it.
  • Q15
    What is ironic about Miranda's "brave new world" lines?
    The people that she thinks represent a great humankind are really conspirators and would-be murderers.

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