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The Windrush Generation

Quiz by Oak National Academy: GCSE English AQA

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6 questions
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  • Q1
    At the beginning of Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Enid cleans the house in preparation for a visitor. Who is the visitor?
    her sister
    a Pastor
  • Q2
    In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod reveals some details about what Enid's life was like in Jamaica before she moved to England. What do we learn?
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  • Q3
    The characters of Brod and Enid in 'Leave Taking' have some similarities, but they are also set up as contrasts to each other. In what ways do they contrast?
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  • Q4
    In 2017, it was revealed that the government was attempting to deport some citizens who had legally migrated to Britain in the 1940s-70s. This was known as the ______ scandal.
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  • Q5
    In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod says to Enid, 'All my ______ I think of meself as a British subject'.
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  • Q6
    In Scene Two of 'Leave Taking', Brod is distressed at what the British government has called him. He says they 'Call me a ______'.
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