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Thinking Like a Scientist

Quiz by Randy Hollinger

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16 questions
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  • Q1

    If a claim is falsifiable . . .

    it is most likely to be true

    there is some way that might prove it wrong.

    it is not true

    the claim is is not scientific

  • Q2

    A person comes into the lab and claims to have seen a new animal never seen before. They are very passionate about this claim and it appears they think it is true. Which of these is true?

    This is not evidence at all.

    It is weak evidence but there might be a chance to do more investigation.

    We should accept this claim because they really believe it.

    We should not believe them at all because all animal species are already discovered.

  • Q3

    You could not fly because you did not believe enough! Which type of unfalsifiable claim is this?


    Ad hoc



  • Q4

    Which type of unfalsifiable claim is this : Musolplex is guaranteed to give you more muscle mass in the first week of use!

    ad hoc




  • Q5

    Which unfalsifiable claim is this: I am channeling physic energy from the spirit world to heal your sadness.�



    ad hoc


  • Q6

    Which unfalsifiale claim is this? - Our customers say that Green Diamond Conditioner is the smoothest hair conditioner ever.

    ad hoc



  • Q7

    Which of these series of statement is deductive?

    Stitch is purple. Stitch is a bird. Birds are purple.

    Birds are warm blooded. Stitch is a bird. Stitch is warm-blooded.

  • Q8

    Which of these statements are in inductive argument.

    Birds are warm blooded. Stich is a bird. Stitch is warm blooded.

    Stitch is purple. Stitch is a bird. Birds are purple.

  • Q9

    Which logical fallacy? - I am a professional scientist (geologist) and I endorse "Brain Juice" to increase your intelligence.

    Straw man

    Appeal to nature

    Appeal to emotions

    Appeal to (false) authority

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

    Appeal to masses

  • Q10

    Which logical fallacy? - If you love your children, you will use "Mighty - vita" for your kids future health.

    Appeal to (false) authority

    Appeal to nature

    Straw man

    Appeal to emotions

    Appeal to masses

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

  • Q11

    Which logical fallacy? - After the election of Barak Obama, the use of cyberbullying went up dramatically. Democrats clearly do not care about the safety of children.

    Appeal to emotions

    Straw man

    Appeal to (false) authority

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

    Appeal to nature

    Appeal to masses

  • Q12

    Which logical fallacy? -�

    (person 1) - When you look at the data, you can see that air travel is actually safer than driving a car by percentage.

    (person 2) - Ok, so you think cars are dangerous and if we drive them we are going do break our neck in a car crash.

    Appeal to nature

    Appeal to masses

    Appeal to emotions

    Straw man

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

    Appeal to (false) authority

  • Q13

    Which logical fallacy? - Drink Lemoncare soda! Made from all natural ingredients.�

    Straw man

    Appeal to nature

    Appeal to (false) authority

    Appeal to emotions

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

    Appeal to masses

  • Q14

    Which logical fallacy? - Cleano brand toothpaste is the safest because it is used by parents than any other brand.

    Straw man

    Appeal to (false) authority

    Appeal to nature

    Appeal to emotions

    Appeal to masses

    Mistaking correlation for causation�

  • Q15

    (Honors) - Write down the sentence from this bottle that is a claim AND explain which type of unfalsifiable claim it is (four choices of unfalsifiable claims).

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