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Tide Advert 1950

Quiz by Tess lewis

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10 questions
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  • Q1
    What does the print advert for Tide primarily represent?
    The popularity of Betty Grable and Veronica Lake
    The representation of men in the 1950s
    The history of Tide as a brand
    Women enjoying housework and laundry
    The fashion trends of the 1960s
  • Q2
    What does the representation of the woman in the advert say about gender roles in the 1950s?
    Women were primarily focused on their appearance and beauty.
    Women had freedom and independence outside of the home.
    Women were not involved in any household chores.
    Women were often sexualized in the media.
    Women were expected to be practical and resourceful in doing difficult household work.
  • Q3
    Why does the advert represent the woman as powerful and dominant?
    To engage their target audience of women who were the primary shoppers.
    To reference a wartime propaganda poster featuring Rosie the Riveter.
    To appeal to men as the primary buyers of Tide.
    To challenge traditional gender roles of women.
    To represent women as more ambitious and dominant.
  • Q4
    How does the advert challenge some aspects of Van Zoonen's theory?
    It represents women as being modest, which supports Van Zoonen's theory.
    It represents women as enjoying housework, which is in line with Van Zoonen's theory.
    It portrays women as being unsatisfied with their lives, contradicting Van Zoonen's theory.
    It closely links the representation of women with their historical context.
    It does not sexualize women, which is contrary to Van Zoonen's theory.
  • Q5
    Why does the advert primarily use illustrations instead of photographs?
    To create a fantasy feel and idealized version of reality.
    To make the advert more relatable and realistic.
    To accurately represent the fashion trends of the 1950s.
    To manipulate the image of the woman to fit their desired representation.
    To appeal to a younger audience through a comic strip format.
  • Q6
    What do representations in the print advert suggest about women's identity and behavior?
    Women were passive and submissive in their roles.
    Women were primarily influenced by advertisements from other companies.
    Women were strongly influenced by the wartime propaganda poster.
    Women might have built their own identities and behaviors based on the representations in the advert.
    Women had limited freedom and independence outside of the home.
  • Q7
    What does the absence of representation of women from other ethnic groups suggest?
    It reflects the colonialist ideas prevalent in the 1950s.
    It reflects the diversity of women's roles and experiences in the 1950s.
    It indicates that other ethnic groups were not part of the target audience.
    It challenges traditional gender roles and promotes equality.
    It suggests that white women are more desirable than other ethnic groups.
  • Q8
    Why did the advert represent women enjoying housework and laundry?
    To encourage women to accept their domestic roles after the war.
    To reflect the changing societal expectations of women in the 1950s.
    To represent women as being dissatisfied with their lives.
    To show the general reality of women's experiences in the 1950s.
    To challenge traditional gender roles and promote equality.
  • Q9
    Why does the advert present a perfected, idealized version of reality?
    To provide a positive and aspirational image for the audience.
    To challenge the established gender roles of the time period.
    To reflect the dissatisfactions and difficulties in women's lives.
    To appeal to a broader audience with diverse experiences.
    To accurately depict the challenges of doing laundry and cleaning.
  • Q10
    What does the representation of women in the advert reflect?
    A shift towards a more sexualized representation of women.
    Traditional gender roles and women's lives in the 1950s.
    The influence of feminism and women's rights movements.
    Progressive ideas and changing societal expectations of women.
    The diversity and complexity of women's experiences.

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