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TOB Semester Final Review

Quiz by Charlene Flood

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39 questions
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  • Q1
    How does JPII approach the controversial subjects of sex and marriage?
    He tells us that we can each decide what is right for us
    Makes up church teaching about sex based on his personal ideas
    He teaches that sexual desire is sinful
    He roots the teaching in the lived human experience
  • Q2
    Humans are...
    one nature formed by the union of body and soul
    clay that comes to life when a soul is added
    two distinct natures held apart by the Holy Spirit
    bodies waiting for a human soul to be added as we achieve perfection
  • Q3
    What is true about desire?
    human desires illuminate truths about who we are and what we are made for
    human desires are merely the result of advertising
    desire is not a part of who we are as humans, so it will lead us away from who God created us to be
    human desires have to be crushed if we want to be good Christians
  • Q4
    Eros is a longing for
    that which is good, true, beautiful, and unitive
    the basic needs of the human body: food, water, clothing, and shelter
    romantic love
    sexual desire alone
  • Q5
    What does it mean that the body is sacramental?
    the body is separate from our identity which resides purely in the spirit
    we receive grace just by virtue of having a physical body
    it is a physical sign of something spiritual
    the body will be shed when we go to heaven
  • Q6
    How did God inscribe the vocation to love as he loves into our bodies?
    the vocation to love is not inscribed into our bodies, but comes from sacred scripture
    by creating us male and female and calling us to become one flesh
    by making our bodies evil so that we would desire only spiritual things
    by making us rational and giving us the freedom to choose to love or not to love at our own discretion
  • Q7
    What is Manichaeism
    a school of thought that discovers truth by reflecting on experience
    the idea that the Catholic faith is a very fleshy, sensual religion
    the ability of the human body to express our call to self-giving love
    the idea that the body is bad and only the spirit is good
  • Q8
    Why does Christianity renounce Manichaeism?
    because God created everything and everything God created is good
    because Mrs. Flood said so
    because the Pope at the time had a beef with its founder, Manichaeus
    because we know we are spirits trapped in our human bodies
  • Q9
    What does it mean to say that "if we want to know what is most sacred in this world, all we need to do is look for what is most violently profaned"?
    there is no need to go to Sacred Scripture to understand the truth about sex and sexuality because we can see that it is what is profaned in the world
    there is so much confusion about sex and sexuality because it is such a profound good!
    the truth about our human bodies is profaned because we are destined to live as slaves to lust in this fallen world
    If we want to express affection from something we should profane it-- that is why little kids tease each other when they like each other
  • Q10
    Rather than taking a legalistic approach and asking, "how far can I go before I break the law?" What does JPII ask?
    Why did God make us male and female?
    What does it mean to be human?
    What is the truth about sex that sets me free to love?
    All of these
  • Q11
    Why is it true to say that everyone on earth is called to marriage?
    the celibate vocations are reminder that heaven will be an eternal wedding celebration between God and the Church, his bride
    all of these
    when a woman enters religious life she is espoused to Christ
    when a priest is ordained he marries the church
  • Q12
    Which is true about celibacy
    celibacy is a foreshadowing of how all of us will live in the heavenly kingdom
    celibacy is a rejection of sexuality
    celibacy is a selfish choice because it is made by people who don't want to have to have a family
    celibacy is too difficult to actually live out for your whole life
  • Q13
    What is celibacy
    the decision of a couple to abstain from sexual intercourse during fertile periods because they are unable to support a child
    a free choice to renounce marital communion with a spouse to serve God and the Church more fully
    a vocation that every human person has, but few are strong enough to answer
    the virtue of temperance regarding sexual behaviors
  • Q14
    Why do we have to go "back to the beginning" to understand human sexuality?
    because only by discovering God's original plan can we understand our own situation
    because this is where God reveals his plan for the resurrection of the body at the end of time
    because God expects us to be perfect like Adam and Eve were before the fall
    because we learned a lot at the beginning of the semester that we need to review to understand TOB
  • Q15
    Which is not one of the stages of humanity JPII talks about?
    Dignified Humanity
    Glorified Humanity
    Redeemed Humanity
    Original Humanity

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