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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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210 questions
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  • Q1
    contain (v.)
    have or hold (someone or something) within / …이 들어
    well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate / 적절한
    using money or supplies in a very careful way / 검소한
    persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired / 완강한
  • Q2
    candidate (n.)
    to narrate; to give an account of; to tell a story about / ~를 이야기 해주다
    to show that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people / 잘난 체하다
    a person or thing regarded as suitable for or likely to receive a particular fate, treatment, orposition / 후보자
    to avoid, abstain / 피하다
  • Q3
    monumental (adj.)
    having dominant influence or control / 지배적인
    relating to a city or characteristic of it / 도시의
    active mainly during the night / 야행성의
    great in importance, extent, or size / 엄청난
  • Q4
    incur (v.)
    a person who helps organizations or groups to work together and provide information to each other / 연락 담당자
    coming together / 융합, 합류
    become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one's own behaviour oractions / 발생시키다
    a group of people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, customs, and beliefs / 부족
  • Q5
    implementation (n.)
    arousing anger or strong emotion / 염려를 불러일으키는
    good at using what's available for good results / 재치 있는; 있는 것들을 잘 활용하는
    extremely silly, foolish; or unreasonable / 불합리한
    the process of putting a decision or plan into effect / 제도 시행
  • Q6
    temporary (adj.)
    event resulting in great loss and misfortune / 대실패, 파멸
    exclusion from responsibility or duty / 면제, 제외
    a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one / 곤경
    lasting for only a limited period of time / 일시적인
  • Q7
    sustain (v.)
    the people who were in someone's family in past times / 혈통
    opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas; logically opposite / 부정, 부인; 모순되는
    cause to continue or be prolonged for an extended period or without interruption / 지속시키다
    an act of scorning, mockery; or derision / 조롱(하다)
  • Q8
    furthermore (adv.)
    the ability to foresee or predict the future / 선견지명
    doubt, painful expectation / 의심, 주저
    in addition, besides / 뿐만 아니라
    a tendency or inclination towards a particular characteristic or behavior / 선천적 경향, 소질
  • Q9
    mankind (n.)
    to reach a conclusion / ~에 대해 결론을 내리다, 정착하다
    human beings considered collectively, the human race / 인류
    to get, develop, or come from something else / ~에서 오다, ~에서 추론하다
    to increase in volume or intensity / 확대하다
  • Q10
    milestone (n.)
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    a significant stage or event in the development of something / 중요한 단계
    to mock or humiliate / ~을 조롱하다, ~을 비웃다
    to clear (someone) of blame or suspicion / 무죄임을 입증하다
  • Q11
    redeem (v.)
    mysterious, puzzling / 수수께끼 같은
    on purpose / 고의
    lacking a plan or purpose / 계획이 없는
    do something that compensates for poor past performance or behaviour / 만회하다
  • Q12
    perhaps (adv.)
    showing a lack of respect / 불손한
    used to express uncertainty or possibility / 어쩌면
    giving or involving instructions or orders / 지시적인
    old; no longer in use or valid or fashionable; no longer in use / 쓸모없게 된
  • Q13
    marvelous (adj.)
    to adjust (a measuring tool) in order to make it more accurate / (더 정확하게 측정하도록) 도구를 조정하다
    to fail to have an intended effect; to fail to work properly / 의도하던 효과를 못 얻 다
    to lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of (to put down) / ~을 깔보다, ~을 조롱하며 낮추다
    causing great wonder; extraordinary / 놀라운
  • Q14
    unrivaled (adj.)
    able to return to an original shape or size after being stretched or squeezed / 탄력적인
    requiring great effort / 힘든, 노력을 많이 요구하는
    better than anyone or anything else / 무적의
    providing emotional relief / 정신적 해방을 주는
  • Q15
    resilience (n.)
    to prove that (something) is not true / 반박하다
    to describe in detail; to show the outline of; to list / ~을 정의하다; 자세히 묘사하다; 하나씩 나열하다
    the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness / 회복력
    to be slow or late about doing something that should be done / 미루다

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