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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    disastrous (adj.)
    simple plants that have no leaves or stems and that grow in or near water 조류
    not done or experienced before 전례없는
    causing great damage 처참한
    to arrange or organize things or information into categories based on similarities or differences 주제별로 분류된
  • Q2
    congruous (adj.)
    in agreement or harmony 조화를 이룬
    a person whose job is to take care of sheep 양치기
    a duty or misfortune that causes worry, hardship, or distress 부담
    something that makes it difficult to do something 장애물/난관
  • Q3
    lecture (n.)
    an educational talk to an audience 강의
    the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration 준비
    infinite or unending time 영원
    the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period 기후
  • Q4
    aquatic (adj.)
    available as another possibility or choice 대안
    the way you think about or understand someone or something 지각
    relating to water 물과 관련된
    of or situated on the inside 내부의
  • Q5
    bolster (v.)
    not tightly fastened, attached, or held 헐거워진
    support or strengthen 강화하다
    famous and respected 유명한
    decoration or other addition that is intended to make something more beautiful or interesting 치장
  • Q6
    inherent (adj.)
    somewhat formal to agree to do or accept something that you have been resisting or opposing 동의하다
    belonging to the basic nature of someone or something 타고난
    to find (something) that was buried in the earth 찾다/발굴하다
    by that means, as a result of that 그렇게 함으로써
  • Q7
    manifestation (n.)
    outward or perceptible indication 징후
    cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another 전송하다
    to come together in a group 모이다
    an act or instance of intercepting something 가로막다
  • Q8
    accretion (n.)
    growth or increase by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter 부착물
    a short period of time when you do too much of something 폭음/폭식하기
    to copy somebody/something 모방하다
    prevent (someone) from accomplishing something 좌절시키다
  • Q9
    primarily (adv.)
    for the most part, mainly 주로
    (of a plant or leaf) the exhalation of water vapour through the stomata 증산, 김 내기
    be full of or swarming with 바글거리다
    travel across or through 가로지르다
  • Q10
    deindividuation (n.)
    the loss of a person's sense of individuality and personal responsibility 몰개성화
    a formal agreement or decision that ends an argument or dispute 합의/해결
    the ability to do something difficult for a long time 인내/참을성
    in, at, or to a place before (someone or something) 앞선
  • Q11
    extrinsic (adj.)
    not part of the essential nature of someone or something 외부의
    a belief held without proof or certain knowledge, an assumption or hypothesis 추정(되는 생각)
    introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to 정반대로
    to be a typical example of something 예를들다
  • Q12
    merely (adv.)
    a crack or break in something (such as a pipe) 파열
    get mental hold of; comprehend fully 이해하다/파악하다
    just, only 그저
    the strength or force that something has when it is moving 관성
  • Q13
    alter (v.)
    to give someone a particular job or duty, to require someone to do a particular task 맡기다
    change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way 변하다
    ability to return to its original shape, size, condition 탄성/탄력성
    a fact or condition connected with or relevant to an event or action 상황
  • Q14
    ingest (v.)
    freedom from external control or influence, independence 자율성
    a sharp increase in the magnitude or concentration of something 급격하게 증가
    to take (something, such as food) into your body; to swallow (something) 삼키다, 먹다
    an early type of animal or plant from which others have evolved 조상
  • Q15
    pandemonium (n.)
    a substance that controls the effects of a poison or disease 해독제
    the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits 방지
    wild and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar 대혼란
    of poor quality, low or lower in quality 열등한

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