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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    pavement (n.)
    to make (something) more interesting, lively, or enjoyable 생동감있게 만들다
    a raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road 인도
    to push or drive (someone or something) forward or in a particular direction 나아가게 하다
    form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence 추측하다
  • Q2
    portray (v.)
    depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature 묘사하다
    occurring again periodically or repeatedly 되풀이하여 발생하는
    having all constituent parts linked or connected 연결된
    literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people 소설
  • Q3
    bloodcurdling (adj.)
    undecided between two opinions or courses of action 흔들리는/주저하는
    planned in advance and not natural or what somebody claims it is; written or arranged in a way that is not natural or realistic 부자연스러운
    to die because you are unable to breathe 소름 끼치는
    tame and kept as a pet or on a farm 길들인
  • Q4
    inevitable (adj.)
    certain to happen 불가피한
    to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc. 지속시키다
    an extensive fire which destroys a great deal of land or property 대화재
    assert something as a position in an argument 주장하다
  • Q5
    assemble (v.)
    to place or set (something) firmly in something else 끼워넣다
    the surrounding area or district 주변
    to collect (things) or gather (people) into one place or group 모으다, 집합시키다
    to look at or examine somebody/something carefully 세심히 살피다
  • Q6
    inferior (adj.)
    lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning 비논리적인
    in spite of that, notwithstanding, all the same 그럼에도 불구하고
    of poor quality, low or lower in quality 열등한
    make less strong or intense 꺾다
  • Q7
    adequate (adj.)
    obtain from various sources 얻다
    tending to cause harm 해로운
    enough for some need or requirement 충분한/적절한
    a very large area of land (such as a continent) 대륙/땅덩어리
  • Q8
    advocate (v.)
    the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet 대기
    publicly recommend or support 지지하다
    to make (something, such as a task or action) slow or difficult 방해하다
    relating to cognition 인식의
  • Q9
    stockpile (n.)
    made pure by having other substances taken out of it 정제된
    existing for a long time and very difficult to change, firmly established 뿌리 깊은
    a large supply of something that is kept for future use 비축량
    the quality or degree of having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass 다공성
  • Q10
    turbine (n.)
    necessary for a particular purpose 필요한
    an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible 막는 것
    a machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor, typically fitted with vanes, is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, air, or other fluid 원동기
    eliminate (a disease or condition) with medical treatment 치유하다
  • Q11
    detritus (n.)
    sloping or inclining at an angle 기울여진
    of similar nature or character ~와 유사한
    phenomenon in which sublethal quantities of stress agents such as chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, temperature, radiation, and minor wounds are stimulatory to an organism by providing increased efficiency to develop new or better systems to cope in a suboptimum environment 호르몬증
    waste or debris of any kind 쓰레기
  • Q12
    turmoil (n.)
    a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced 평형
    a state of confusion or disorder 혼란/소란
    the means of maintaining or supporting oneself 최저 생활
    to act in the way that is required by (something, such as a rule, belief, or promise) 고수하다
  • Q13
    boost (v.)
    a short movement from side to side, or up and down 흔들다
    a lack of something that is needed, the state of not having enough of something necessary 부족
    providing a reflection, capable of reflecting light or other radiation 빛을 반사하는
    to increase the force, power, or amount of (something) 증가/향상시키다
  • Q14
    accumulate (v.)
    to produce children or offspring 번식하다
    cause (something) to pass on from one person or place to another 전송하다
    to gradually get more and more of something over a period of time 축적되다
    a large strengthened vein along the midline of a leaf 주맥
  • Q15
    geological (adj.)
    a power that is believed to control what happens in the future 운명
    using a careful system or method, done according to a system 체계적인
    relating to the study of the earth's physical structure and substance 지질학의
    Having attained synchronization, together, coordinated, combined 동시통합화된

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