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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    discard (v.)
    a thing that uses up a particular resource 소비
    get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable 버리다
    the act of ignoring something or treating something as unimportant 무시
    the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level 고도
  • Q2
    anonymous (adj.)
    relating to an antagonist or its action 서로 반대하는
    (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name. 익명
    unusually good, outstanding 이례적일 정도로 우수한, 특출한
    the state, fact, or period of being mature 성숙함
  • Q3
    acclaim (v.)
    to praise (someone or something) in a very strong and enthusiastic way 칭송하다
    to promise to do something; to promise something will happen 보장하다
    make partial or minor changes to (something) 수정하다
    the great size or importance of something; the degree to which something is large or important 규모
  • Q4
    magnificent (adj.)
    a state in which a sick or injured person is unconscious for a long time 혼수상태
    a main or important element of something 주된, 주요한
    lose its normal qualities; rot or decay 닳다
    very good, excellent 훌륭한
  • Q5
    allege (v.)
    very attractive especially in an unusual or interesting way 눈에 띄는, 현저한
    to state something as a fact but without giving proof 혐의를 제기하다
    to refuse (something, such as an offer or suggestion) in a rude way 묵살하다
    required or compelled to undertake a legal or moral duty 의무가 있는
  • Q6
    altitude (n.)
    a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely, especially a rod with a weight atthe end that regulates the mechanism of a clock 추
    something that makes a process or activity happen or happen more quickly 추진력
    the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions 생리
    the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level 고도
  • Q7
    gill (n.)
    the fact of something being raised or of something increasing 증가
    produce by assembling information collected from other sources 엮다
    an animal that feeds on plants 초식 동물
    the paired respiratory organ of fishes and some amphibians, by which oxygen is extracted from water flowing over surfaces within or attached to the walls of the pharynx 아가미
  • Q8
    hail (v.)
    to the exclusion of others 독점적으로
    successful in producing a desired orintended result 효과적인
    to speak of or welcome (someone or something) with praise or enthusiasm 환호하다
    a transparent flammable plastic made in sheets from camphor and nitrocellulose, formerly used for cinematographic film 셀룰로이드
  • Q9
    deceased (adj.)
    lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of, especially gradually or insidiously 약화시키다
    the maximum amount that something can contain 수용력
    a dead person or dead people 고인
    a dead person or dead people 고인
  • Q10
    pinpoint (v.)
    combine or cause to combine to form a single entity 합치다
    a statement in which somebody admits that something is true, especially something wrong or bad that they have done 시인
    not having or showing complete trust in someone or something that could be dangerous or cause trouble 경계하는/조심하는
    to find and show the exact position of somebody/something or the exact time that something happened 정확히 찾아내다
  • Q11
    airborne (adj.)
    transported by air 공기로 운반되는
    to make (someone) poor 빈곤/가난하게 하다
    the people involved in an expedition 탐험대
    the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults ormistakes 비판
  • Q12
    bulging (adj.)
    land of a particular kind 영토
    swelling outwards 튀어 나온
    formed, made, or developed by using (something) as a basis ~에 기초를 둔
    relating to or used in a ceremony 의식의
  • Q13
    rage (n.)
    relating to the production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light 광전지의, 광발전의
    change the form, character, or function of something 전환시키다
    interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or problem 방해하다
    a strong feeling of anger that is difficult to control 분노
  • Q14
    realm (n.)
    a person who argues for or supports something, advocate 지지자
    an area of activity, interest, or knowledge (활동·관심·지식 등의) 영역
    to produce or create (something) by putting together different parts 구성하다/만들다
    explain something in a general way 요약하다/대략적으로 설명하다
  • Q15
    conquest (n.)
    the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by military force 정복
    the activity of making attractive objects by hand 수공예품
    the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon 알베도 ((달·행성이 반사하는 태양 광선의 비율))
    a new or unfamiliar thing or experience 새로운 것

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