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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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70 questions
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  • Q1
    living on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air 지생의
    having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook 개화된
    a written or spoken report of somethign that has happened 설명, 기록
    something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc., and that usually affects people for a long time ; (부정적) 영향
  • Q2
    a level or grade within the hierarchy of an organization or system ; 단계
    alarming 걱정스러운
    a chamber beneath a church or in a graveyard used for burials 지하 납골당
    uterus 자궁
  • Q3
    an object having a three-dimensional shape like that of a wire wound uniformly in a single layer around a cylinder or cone, as in a corkscrew or spiral staircase. 나선
    connected with the stars 별의
    suggest the presence or effects of ; 낌새
    an instance of something happening, an event or occurrence 사건
  • Q4
    being a part of a whole …을 구성하는
    connected with the buying and selling of goods and services 상업의
    to cause (something that should be stopped, such as a mistaken idea or a bad situation) to continue 영속시키다
    a religious group that is a smaller part of a larger group and whose members all share similar beliefs ; 종파
  • Q5
    to keep (someone) away from other people ; 은둔하다/고립시키다
    that can be understood in more than one way; having different meanings 애매모호한
    to make something necessary 필요하게 만들다
    to enter and be present in (a place) in large numbers 급속히 퍼지다
  • Q6
    gorge on(v.)
    designed to keep something undesirable such as illness or harm from occurring, preventive 예방을 위한
    suffer complete ruin or destruction 소멸되다
    a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization 신조
    to eat large amounts of food ; 잔뜩 먹다
  • Q7
    a person whose job is weaving cloth 방직공
    a gathering or collection of people, animals, or things 모임
    gather or collect ; 얻다, 모으다
    store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place 넣어 두다
  • Q8
    get hands on(v.)
    If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it, usually after some difficulty. ; 얻다/획득하다
    the quality or degree of having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass 다공성
    existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute 내재하는
    join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting using a blowtorch, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc 용접하다
  • Q9
    an obstruction which makes movement or flow difficult or impossible 막는 것
    to combine two or more things so that they work together; to combine with something else in this way 통합시키다
    small creature that becomes an adult frog or toad, that has a rounded body and a long tail, and that lives in water ; 올챙이
    a person or thing whose qualities or achievements are praised and who therefore earns respect for somebody/something else 명예를 주다
  • Q10
    the fact of being injured, harm or damage 부상
    to order (someone) not to use or do something ; 금지하다
    relating to or based on instinct, based on feelings or desires that do not come from 타고난/본능적인
    no longer existing 멸종한
  • Q11
    absolutely necessary, essential ; 필수적인
    to develop quickly and become successful or common 번성하다
    to speak of or welcome (someone or something) with praise or enthusiasm 환호하다
    producing a large amount of something 비옥한
  • Q12
    able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict ; 호환이 되는
    relevant or appropriate 해당되는
    of, relating to, or being the stage of cognitive development according to Jean Piaget's theory in which thought is egocentric and intuitive and not yet logical or capable of performing mental tasks 전조작적
    a drink poured out as an offering to a deity 신주
  • Q13
    easily bent; flexible 유연한
    relating to the major groupings into which humankind is divided on the basis of physical characteristics or shared ancestry 인종의
    by a strikingly large amount or to a strikingly large extent 극적으로
    produced according to a formula, not new or original ; 정형화된
  • Q14
    follow or chase 추구하다
    an instance of defeating or being defeated 패배
    the place where historical documents or records are kept 기록 보관소
    the arrangement of and relations between the parts or elements of something complex ; 구조
  • Q15
    state or order authoritatively 지시하다
    ready or suitable for something (과일/기회가) 무르 익은
    in a manner resulting from or betraying aggression 공격적으로
    extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree ; 엄청난

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