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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    whimsy (n.)
    sounds made through speech / 발언, 말
    a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy / 이념
    a list or arrangement of things / 배열
    something fancicul, odd, unusual, fun / 신비롭거나 신기한 것
  • Q2
    assimilate (v.)
    to destroy or kill a large proportion of something / 대량으로 파괴하다
    to absorb or integrate into a larger group or culture / 동화되다
    to charge (a public official) with a crime done while in office / 탄핵하다
    to give; to provide / ~을 주다, ~을 수여하다
  • Q3
    discrepancy (n.)
    a seemingly contradictory statement or situation that may be true / 역설
    a social policy or racial segregation / 인종차별 정책 (주거, 생활, 직장등의 분리)
    a government, especially an authoritarian one / 체제
    a difference (usually among things that should be consistent) / 차이, 격차
  • Q4
    converge (v.)
    to argue against; to claim / (주로 반대하며) 주장하다
    to criticize or express disapproval of (someone or something) / 비난하다
    to cause (something) to spread out and disappear / 탕진하다
    to come together from different directions / 모이다
  • Q5
    antagonism (n.)
    the act of obeying rules, laws, or regulations / 준수
    disregarding or rejecting an idea / 기각
    active opposition or hostility / 적대감
    critical observation or examination / 세심한 조사
  • Q6
    obliviousness (n.)
    actions or thoughts that contradict one's own beliefs or claims / 위선 행위; 내로남불
    proper behavior / 예의 바름, 점잖음
    a follower or supporter of something / 추종자
    total forgetfulness / 망각함
  • Q7
    vitality (n.)
    explanation or justification for something / 이유에 대한 설명
    the process of improving or polishing / 세련화
    the state of being strong and active / 활력
    a disease that causes death and that spreads quickly to a large number of people / 역병
  • Q8
    ascend (v.)
    to define or describe (something) in a new or different way / 재정의하다
    to walk in an awkward way / 헤매다
    to go up in position (physically or abstractly) / ~에 오르다; 올라가다
    to think of (someone or something) in a particular way / 간주하다
  • Q9
    doting (adj.)
    extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent / 애지중지하는, 끼고도는
    intended to correct or remedy / 교정적인
    productive or conducive to producing in abundance; productive of profit / 생산적인
    relating to or based on inference / 추론적인
  • Q10
    ignominious (adj.)
    loud and harsh; grating / 강렬한
    deserving or causing public disgrace or shame / 불명예스러운
    performed regularly / 일상적인
    very foolish / 우스꽝스러운
  • Q11
    intimidating (adj.)
    given, felt, or done in return / 상호간의
    unfair or unjust / 불공정한
    without reservation, exception, or condition; not hidden / 전면적인, 공공연한
    causing fear or unease / 위협적인
  • Q12
    capitulate (v.)
    to inspire or permeate with a quality / 가득 채우다, 스며들다
    to deprive of voting rights / ~의 (투표) 권리를 박탈하다; ~의 참정권을 박탈하다
    to eliminate, remove / 근절하다
    to surrender / 항복하다
  • Q13
    plainly (adv.)
    forever (unclear when it will end) / 영원히 (언제 끝날지 명확하지 않은 상태로)
    essentially, basically, in most reasonable respects / 실질적으로, 실제로는, 사실상
    obviously, evidently, perceived easily / 당연히, 명백히
    late / 뒤늦게
  • Q14
    anachronism (n.)
    something out of time / 시대착오
    a foundation or basis for support / 기반, 지지체
    belief in the ideal (perfection, utopian idea), usually naive or unrealistic / 이상주의
    the process of formally admitting someone to a position or organization / 취임
  • Q15
    multitude (n.)
    a large number or variety of people or things / 다수
    a decision by a person in authority to not allow or approve something / 거부권
    thinking, creation (of an idea) / 생각; 어떤 아이디어의 탄생
    the occurrence of fortunate or unexpected events by chance / 우연한 발견

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