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Quiz by 노주하

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50 questions
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  • Q1
    barrier (n.)
    a fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access / 장벽
    equality in value, status, or rank / 동등성
    emotional release / 정화
    a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs / 위선자
  • Q2
    sustainable (adj.)
    to extend or project beyond known information / 외삽하다
    show or suggest that someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing / 연루시키다
    able to be maintained at a certain rate or level / 지속 가능한
    to express strong disapproval of / ~에 대해 강하게 비판하다
  • Q3
    lunar (adj.)
    intense happiness, elation / 유쾌함
    man-made object / 사람이 만든 것
    of, determined by, or resembling the moon / 달의
    bitter verbal attack / 비난, 격렬한 비판
  • Q4
    colonist (n.)
    having a narrow or limited perspective / 편협한
    settler in or inhabitant of a colony / 식민지 주민
    having or showing a wish to do evil to others / 악의적인
    exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; easily broken or damaged / 은은하게 아름답거나; 잘 깨지거나 연약한
  • Q5
    expedition (n.)
    to accumulate or receive over time / 누적되다
    to exclude or reject someone from a group or society / 배척하다
    a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that ofexploration, research, or war / 원정
    to customize or modify something to fit specific needs / 맞춤화하다
  • Q6
    capacity (n.)
    to carry out a systematic or formal inquiry / 조사하다
    the maximum amount that something can contain / 수용력
    to give power or authority to / 권한을 부여하다
    to contradict / ...의 것이 아니다
  • Q7
    conversely (adv.)
    to dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of / 의문을 제기하다
    introducing a statement or idea which reverses one that has just been made or referred to / 정반대로
    to use one's authority to reject or disregard / 무시하다, 무효로 하다
    treat or regard someone with disrespect or contempt / 비하하다
  • Q8
    ample (adj.)
    enough or more than enough / 충분한
    in combination with; together with / 함께, 같이
    in this document, fact, or statement / 여기에
    plainly, obviously, evidently / 명백하게, 당연하게
  • Q9
    advance (n.)
    a development or improvement / 발전
    to satisfy (usually in a limited way) / 만족시키다
    to promote over another; to make more likely to occur / ~를 유도하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
    to carry out or commit (a harmful or illegal act) / 저지르다
  • Q10
    conversion (n.)
    mysterious, puzzling / 수수께끼 같은
    wealthy, luxurious, or lavish / 호화로운
    assumed to be true / 추정되는
    the process of changing or causing something to change from one form to another / 개조
  • Q11
    contain (v.)
    have or hold (someone or something) within / …이 들어
    well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate / 적절한
    persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired / 완강한
    using money or supplies in a very careful way / 검소한
  • Q12
    candidate (n.)
    to show that you believe you are more intelligent or better than other people / 잘난 체하다
    to avoid, abstain / 피하다
    a person or thing regarded as suitable for or likely to receive a particular fate, treatment, orposition / 후보자
    to narrate; to give an account of; to tell a story about / ~를 이야기 해주다
  • Q13
    monumental (adj.)
    active mainly during the night / 야행성의
    relating to a city or characteristic of it / 도시의
    great in importance, extent, or size / 엄청난
    having dominant influence or control / 지배적인
  • Q14
    incur (v.)
    become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one's own behaviour oractions / 발생시키다
    coming together / 융합, 합류
    a group of people that includes many families and relatives who have the same language, customs, and beliefs / 부족
    a person who helps organizations or groups to work together and provide information to each other / 연락 담당자
  • Q15
    implementation (n.)
    extremely silly, foolish; or unreasonable / 불합리한
    arousing anger or strong emotion / 염려를 불러일으키는
    good at using what's available for good results / 재치 있는; 있는 것들을 잘 활용하는
    the process of putting a decision or plan into effect / 제도 시행

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