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Quiz by 노주하

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  • Q1
    conclusively (adv.)
    in a decisive way that has the effect of proving a case / 확실하게
    capable of being shaped or molded; easily influenced or impressionable / 가소성 있는
    careless (a bad idea) / 생각이 짧은, 경솔한
    fearless, adventurous / 대담한
  • Q2
    deception (n.)
    uncontrollably exuberant; boisterous / 떠들썩한
    a thing that deceives / 속임수
    sweet or musical sounding / 감미로운
    awkward or clumsy in movement or shape / 서투른
  • Q3
    prescribe (v.)
    an area within which a particular system of laws is used / 사법권
    (of a medical practitioner) advise and authorize the use of (a medicine or treatment) forsomeone, especially in writing / 처방하다
    the likelihood of making errors / 오류나 흠의 정도 혹은 가능성
    moral excellence or righteousness / 덕, 미덕
  • Q4
    warrant (v.)
    justify or necessitate / 정당하게 만들다
    required by a law or rule / 필수의
    serving to assist or support / 자회사
    unable to function or survive / 무력한
  • Q5
    aggravating (adj.)
    pleasantly new or different / 참신한, 기발한
    given, felt, or done in return / 상호간의
    making a problem or offence worse or more serious / 악화하는
    having or showing zeal; filled with enthusiasm and fervor / 열렬한
  • Q6
    assert (v.)
    state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully / 주장하다
    to have a mutual relationship or connection / 연관시키다
    to promote over another; to make more likely to occur / ~를 유도하다, ~가 더 잘 발생하도록 하다
    to end (a law, contract, agreement, etc.) officially / 취소하다
  • Q7
    deceive (v.)
    the rejection of religious and moral principles, often resulting in a belief in nothingness and meaninglessness / 허무주의
    act of going beyond a limit; the crossing of a line / 위반
    harsh noise / 불협화음
    deliberately cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, especially for personal gain / 속이다
  • Q8
    groundbreaking (adj.)
    liable to change rapidly and unpredictably / 불안정한
    lacking significance or meaning / 하찮은
    innovative, pioneering / 획기적인
    total, without exception, absolute / 완전한
  • Q9
    primate (n.)
    a mammal of an order that includes the lemurs, bushbabies, tarsiers, marmosets, monkeys, apes, and humans / 영장류
    a group of three related things or people / 삼인조
    downheartedness; worry about future danger / 절망
    a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy / 이념
  • Q10
    exhibit (v.)
    show as a sign or symptom / 보이다
    a tendency to provoke dissension or discord / 분열시키는 성향
    respect and admiration for someone or something / 존경
    a small piece or part broken off from a whole / 조각
  • Q11
    innate (adj.)
    required or mandatory / 의무적인
    inborn, natural / 타고난
    very important, significant, all-changing; distinctive / 가장 특징적인; 결정적인
    lacking awareness of something / ~을 깨닫지 못하는
  • Q12
    pandemonium (n.)
    without basis or evidence / 근거없는
    showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt / 짓궂은, 악의에 찬
    in an advantageous position for ~ / ~하기에 유리한 위치에 있는
    wild and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar / 대혼란
  • Q13
    habitat (n.)
    to feel bitter or indignant about / ~을 억울해하다
    to scatter or distribute / 흩어지다
    the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism / 서식지
    to use up or consume / 소비하다
  • Q14
    exception (n.)
    forbidden by law, rules, or custom / 불법의
    denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion; marked by or given to doubt / 의심많은, 회의적인
    a person or thing that is excluded from a general statement or does not follow a rule / 예외
    having narrow, illiberal perspectives / 편협한
  • Q15
    extinction (n.)
    a person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities or qualities / 신동
    a solution / 해결책, 결론
    the fact or process of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants becoming extinct / 멸종
    a fact (usually insignificant and small) / 잡동사니 정보

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