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Quiz by 서브베테랑스

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  • Q1
    a category of people or things that are similar or fall between specified limits 부류
    of poor quality, low or lower in quality ; 열등한
    better than anyone or anything else 무적의
    make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive 겁먹게 하다
  • Q2
    fabric cloth ; 직물/옷감
    store (something) safely in a hidden or secret place 넣어 두다
    Of or pertaining to animism. 우주 만물에 영혼이 있다는 믿음
    raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system) 자극하다
  • Q3
    of very great extent or quantity, immense 어마어마한
    an iron block on which a blacksmith puts hot pieces of metal before shaping them with a hammer 모루
    relating to or involving organization and planning 병참의
    the act of doing or saying something deliberately in order to make somebody angry or upset; something that is done or said to cause this ; 도발
  • Q4
    to find the way to get to a place when you are traveling in a ship, airplane, car, etc. ; 길을 찾다/항해하다
    to receive or take (something offered) 수락하다
    innovative, pioneering 획기적인
    an area that has its own local church and priest or minister 교구
  • Q5
    expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice ; 적극적인
    lying under or below something 기저에 있는
    A person who, or device that, filters 여과하는 사람.
    to make (something or someone) weaker, less forceful, less effective, etc. 약화시키다
  • Q6
    the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something 정도/범위
    a baby's bed or cot, typically one mounted on rockers 요람
    the maximum amount that something can contain ; 수용력
    show as a sign or symptom 보이다
  • Q7
    to watch and check something over a period of time in order to see how it develops, so that you can make any necessary changes ; 관찰
    of, or relating to geometry; geometric. 기하학적인
    relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic factors 사회 경제적인
    very harmful or destructive 치명적인
  • Q8
    formed, made, or developed by using (something) as a basis ~에 뿌리를 둔
    (of an animal) care for (its young) until they are fully grown 키우다
    relating to climate 기후의
    clear and accurate ; 정확한
  • Q9
    to take (something, such as food) into your body; to swallow (something) 삼키다, 먹다
    a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other 평형/균형 상태
    an organ in the body that makes a substance (such as saliva, sweat, or bile) which is used by the body ; 분비선/샘
    showing little finesse or subtlety and as a result unlikely to succeed 대충의
  • Q10
    of or characteristic of a suburb 교외의
    a transparent flammable plastic made in sheets from camphor and nitrocellulose, formerly used for cinematographic film ; 셀룰로이드
    to make up or form (a part of something) 차지하다
    completely remove or get rid of (something) 없애다
  • Q11
    having or characterized by a fundamental weakness or imperfection ; 결함이 있는
    take violent action against an established government or ruler 저항
    bad luck 불운
    adapted to the requirements of a particular area 국지적인
  • Q12
    to reproduce itself ; 자신을 복제하다
    settler in or inhabitant of a colony 식민지 주민
    a person or thing that contributes something 원인 제공자
    a state of confusion or disorder 혼란/소란
  • Q13
    of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but whichinfluences one's actions and feelings 잠재의식적인
    happening or existing at the same time 동시에 일어나는
    harmful to living things, toxic 유해한
    the condition of being anonymous ; 익명(성)
  • Q14
    to be joined or combined 한쌍이 된/조합된
    to turn around a center point or line ; 돌다/회전하다
    easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally 취약한
    performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus 자발적인
  • Q15
    the action of transferring something or the process of being transferred 이동
    relating to or denoting the period before written records 선사 시대의
    to cause (someone) to fall asleep or become sleepy 달래다/진정시키다
    action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately ; 도발

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